佔便宜的未來循環Taking Advantage Of Others & Its Repercussion
無論妳你是屬哪一種,終究非善行。非善行,那就是惡行了哦!惡行是會有惡報的。在現實生活中,這種錯誤理念及行為,將會傳給妳你們未來的下一代,因基因之故。妳你本身受惡報,難道妳你也想妳你的子女,以及孫輩們全部都受惡報嗎?其實那是不祇的,我們所有的起心動念、言談舉止,或多或少,也會影響我們祖先們 的「昇降」問題。慎之,慎之。
因果乃維護宇宙間的平衡,正如種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆,分毫不差也。佔人便宜,等同享他人之福也。佔得越多,不要以為得到越多,其實妳你的福份,相對的在扣 除,等妳你的福份,完全被扣除了之後,不如意及不幸的事情,就會馬上演化在妳你身上,而另一邊,妳你也有欠於對方,將來的「循環」,就是得為對方「做牛做 馬」。看來女傭介紹公司,應該會很有市場。哈!哈!哈!
Before I gain wisdom from the Dharma, I did not give any serious thought about the consequences and vicious cycle of taking advantage of others. Only until I became a Master that I slowly realized the ills and future repercussion of this act.
After years of illuminated observation, I come to the conclusion that there are indeed many people who like to take advantage of others. Thus I see the need to let you really understand its vicious cycle.
There are generally 3 kinds of people who like to take advantage of others:
1. Those who already have this bad habit for the past many lives.
2. Those who have an insatiable greed.
3. Those who wilfully transgress.
Whichever category you belong to does not do you any good as this act is not of merit, but of harm, thereby culminating negative karma. In the reality of life today, this harmful thinking and behavior will be perpetuated by your descendants, due to reason of genetics. Do you wish for your descendants to suffer the same fate and consequences that you do? In actual fact, there is actually more to it. Our every thought, word and action invariably has an effect on our ancestors, determining if they ascend to the bliss of Heavens or descend into the abyss of Hell. Beware, beware!
The Law of Karma is the great equalizer and it ensures balance in this Universe. Using the simple analogy: if you plant the seed of a melon, you will get melon during harvest. Likewise, you would harvest peas if you had sow their seeds earlier on. Taking advantage of another is akin to enjoy merits not belonging to you. Do not think that the more you get, the more you will enjoy. In reality, your own merit is being deducted as you take advantage of others. And when your own merits run out, you will start to experience obstacles and misfortunes in your life. As you took advantage of another, you will owe that person a debt. When payback time comes along in the future lives, you will find yourself working like a slave for that very person you were indebted to in the past. Well, it seems like the maid agencies will be enjoying brisk business! Ha ha ha!
The Law of Karma (Cause and Effect) is indeed clear and definitely impartial, hence our conviction in it is absolute. As the saying goes, “Retribution is only a matter of Time. ”
A Grain of Rice from the Benefactor,
Is as Vast as the Sumeru,
Should you think that is of No Merit,
In a fur coat and with horns,
You will be paying back.