對抗煙霧的問題Tackling The Haze Problem
黑醋或白醋都可以,擺放在客廳或廚房都行。 這小小的風水佈局對預防非典型、骨痛溢血熱症等疾病大有
Years of Feng Shui training has sharpened my sense of smell greatly. The other day while alighting from the taxi, my nose could detect the smell of haze in the air even before my legs were out from the cab.
The secret code in this year of the Horse and next year is an indication that the forest fire & haze problems will worsen this year & in 2015. Apart from purchasing masks & air purifiers in advance, I would suggest every household to place a big bottle of vinegar at home.
You can get it in the black or white version & place the bottle of vinegar in the living room or kitchen.
This little Feng Shui placement can help prevent infectious diseases like SARS and will greatly reduce the health-associated problems among your family members due to the haze.
Remember to take good care of your health too!

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