唱首情歌給妳你聽Singing A Love Song For You
妳你若是吾忠實的粉絲或讀者,妳你必然曉得,吾在大約十五年前,就以佛法及玄學,沿家挨戶同步利樂諸有情,為期兩年左右。近千日的利生歲月裡,累積了足已 寫成萬篇短暫人生的情議故事,因此,吾就很自然地將這篇文章,題名為《唱首情歌給妳你聽》,惟願這沒曲調的「情歌」,能牽動「六神無主」的妳你,邁向永恆 快樂、光明的未來境界,而不至於墮落那淒淒慘慘、慘慘淒淒的痛苦境界。
當年的某一天,吾來到北部的一戶人家,而迎接吾的,是一名婦女,吾分析其姓名吉凶後,就與其談及她的人生狀況,吾也就開門見山地問她,是否有過墮胎。她似 乎沒有正面回答吾,吾就遞給她一張寫有吾聯絡電話的小卡片,事後就繼續沿家挨戶,利樂其他有情。夜晚返回居所,也沒把這件事情放在心頭。
隔了幾天,吾的手機響起,所顯示的號碼,並不是吾所識得的號碼,但吾還是接了。電話的另一端聲音,也顯得陌生,查問之後,原來是那位婦女。她承認吾之推算 準確,及有水子靈的過失,但她告訴吾並不是手術墮胎的,而是在一次的如廁時,把嬰孩排出的,她跟著問吾該怎麼辦,吾叫她在某個日子來找吾,吾會有辦法教於她,可是她卻沒有赴約。
吾,玳瑚師父,在此奉勸所有胎死腹中、人工墮胎、如廁排出、生出但幾天或幾月就死的(夭折),等等,都是會懷著恨意,而其父母日後必定會有諸多不順,在家 庭、事業、健康、生意、子女等等方面。請反問你自己,若有人沒經過妳你同意,就將妳你生命立刻取走,妳你會怎麼樣?快快請教高明之士吧!這業障不會祇是一 世啊!
If you are one of my loyal readers and fans, you would surely know that I began my journey of propagating the Dharma and Chinese metaphysics, to benefit sentient beings almost 15 years ago, going door to door for around 2 years or so. Through the years (I counted almost a thousand days!), I have accumulated enough real-life encounters to pen down tens of thousands of stories, depicting the trials and tribulations of the short-lived human life. That is why I titled this article as “Singing A Love Song For You”, hoping that this special song, with no musical tune to go with it, will attract those of you who are not yet master of your own fate, encourage you to tread the path of eternal bliss and light, and not fall into the abyss of despair, pain and sufferings.
During the early years, I remembered one day when I visited a family in the north of Singapore. A lady received me, and after analyzing her name (and the good and bad associated with it), we chatted about other aspects of her life. I asked her frankly if she have had an abortion before but she did not give me a direct answer. Before I left to continue my rounds, I passed her my name card and forgot about our encounter when I returned home late that night.
A few days later, my mobile phone rang and I did not recognize the number on the caller ID display. I picked it up anyway. The voice on the other end sounded unfamiliar as well. After some clarification, she turned out to be the lady whom I met. She admitted that I got it correct, that she had an abortion before. She told me that it was not a surgical abortion, but the fetus was discharged from her body while she went to the toilet. She asked for my advice, and I told her to meet me on a certain day to hear my solution. Alas, she did not turn up for our appointment.
In all seriousness, Master Dai Hu would want to highlight that the aborted child, be it through surgery or accident, even if the fetus died in the womb, or the newborn passed away within days or months of birth, would bear hatred for the parents who would be adversely affected in their family, career, health, business, descendants etc. Putting yourself in the shoes of the aborted child, how would you feel if someone else took away your life without your permission? Act fast and consult a qualified person on this. This negative karma would last several lifetimes!