玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


八字命理 Destiny Analysis

一個人出生時,就有年、 月、日、時 ,這就是我們的生辰四柱。每一柱由一對干支組成,四柱有八個字,於是稱爲四柱八字。這門古老的學問源自于漢朝,到了宋朝由徐 子平先生再發揚光大,流傳至今,已有千多年之久。千年以來,沿著時間的長廊裏,多少玄學師父不遺餘力、廢寢忘食地研究八字 學,用在百千萬億人的身上來克期取證,使這門古老的學問不僅沒有被時間淘汰,反觀在現今科技發達的社會裏,八字學更被廣泛地 運用,發揮著巨大的力量,幫助無數人類把他們的生命潛能發揮到極點。它是一個非常有邏輯有科學根據的學術,沒有迷信的成份, 也沒有宗教色彩。能夠橫越千年歷史而流傳不息的學術,就是真理。

世界、國家、公司、家庭及 個人都有各自的生辰四柱,也都有自己的命運。天地万物,皆是五行金木水火土組成的。人類是一個小宇宙,活在大宇宙之間,當然 也受縛於五行的操控。這五行的陰陽生克制化和結構,配合八字及時運,小則能準確地推算一個人一生的榮枯、學歷、名譽、事業、婚姻、健康、財 運、子嗣、壽命,甚至樣貌和身形,中則能推算一間企業的盛衰、發展策略及公司文化,大則能推算一個國家的國運、政策走向、官 员思维和國人的核心价值观。

Destiny Analysis

《孫子兵法》說「知己知彼,百戰百勝」,這也就是命學所講的「先知先覺是智者」。無法掌握自己的 先天命運,猶如不知春夏秋冬何時到來。旺時,春風得意,雖樣樣順心順意,沒高人指點,難免會錯失良機,忘了未雨綢繆。衰時, 如遇到寒冬,沒事先預防,事事都不如意,賠了夫人又折兵。倘若又遇到狂風暴雨,自己把命做壞,只怕鹹魚也翻不了身了。

人的命運有分先天和後天。 八字改不了因此先天命運皆有定數。但後天的命運是個人的努力成果也即是我們對事物的選擇、思維方式、個人技能和性格傾向,這都可以彌補先天命運的缺失。我們現在 的苦,就是因爲忘記了祖先的智慧,所以活在苦中,而玳瑚師父的工作就是將祖先的智慧發揚光大,如實地告訴有緣人你們的命盤, 幫助你們走出一條明路。



When a person was born, his or her birth was characterized by the year, month, day and time of that moment. These are the Four Pillars of your destiny. Every pillar is made up of a Stem and a Branch, thus all in all, they are the Eight Characters (Bazi). This ancient body of knowledge originated from the Han Dynasty, and was propagated successfully during the Song Dynasty by Xu Zi Ping. His legacy continues till the present days after more than 1000 years since the origin of this Chinese Metaphysics Art. Through time, countless Chinese Metaphysics masters spared no effort in perfecting this art of Birth Chart analysis and gained priceless insights with extensive application on millions of people. This enable this ancient art to stay relevant through centuries, and even till this current age of technology, it is employed even more widely to empower individuals to exploit their potentials to the fullest. This art of Birth Chart analysis is founded on logical and scientific basis, dispelling any notion of superstition or religious association. To survive the test of time for a though years, there is indeed the Truth in this Art.

This world, the countries, companies, families and individuals all possess their own Four Pillars and destinies. Everything under the Heavens is made up of a combination of the five elements (Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth). Each individual is his or her own universe, existing in an even bigger Universe. Therefore, nothing escapes the clutches of the five elements. The intimate interactions of Yin, Yang, growth,  could be observed to accurately predict the fortune of an individual in terms of his or her prosperity, academic achievement, fame, career, marriage, health, wealth luck, descendants, longevity, and even the physical appearance. On a bigger scale, we could determine the fortune of a business, its culture and prospect. We could even predict the prosperity of a nation, her policies, mindsets of the officials and the core values of her people.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu says that “if you know yourself and your enemies, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss”. This has the same essence as the phrase “The Wise one is always a step ahead”. Failing to have a firm grasp of your own fate is just like not knowing when the seasons are coming and going. When the winds are in your sail, you enjoy the successes. However, there are bound to be missed opportunities if there is no accomplished adviser with you, and you will fail to prepare for rainy days. When things take a tumble, and the chilly weather descended, you had better be prepared for obstacles to come your way. If you are not up to it, you will fail miserably and even lose your life. There is no second chance in life sometimes.

The destiny of a person is made of up two parts: Predestined and Post-destined. The Eight Characters (Bazi) cannot be changed, therefore a large part of your fortune is already predestined. However, there is still the other part that can be altered by the sheer diligence of a person. This entails our choices in life, our mindset and mentality, our skill and character inclination. These factors serve to make up for the weaknesses that are already predestined. Our sufferings today is due to our ignorance of the wisdom of our ancestors. Master Dai Hu takes it upon himself to propagate the age old wisdom of our ancestors, provide a honest and frank analysis of your birth chart, and ultimately leading you onto the path of light.

Services under Destiny Analysis:

empowering individuals to change their destinies.