擇日 Date Selection
一般人找師父擇日辦事,大多祇是從俗而已,又或者圖個心安,這當然無可厚非。可是,不對的理解,不對的心念,產生的腦電波於宇宙。這種負能量,來回 會是一種惡性循環,而這種惡性循環,在現實生活中,會導致妳你「遇人不淑」,也會讓妳你「錯失良機」,在凶日子裡辦事,後果真不敢設想啊!
- 新生嬰孩第一次的剃頭、
- 新生嬰孩的滿月喜酒、
- 孩童上契、
- 結婚、
- 幾點接新娘、
- 幾點敬茶、
- 新店開張、
- 宴客地點、
- 新官上任、
- 動土起基、
- 開戶口、
- 新居入伙、
- 動手術、
- 生產、
- 裝修房屋、
- 選購大型傢俱、
- 進廟稟明改名、
- 歌星出唱片、
- 歌星演唱會、
- 新戲登場、
- 記者會、
- 樓盤開市、
- 股票交易、
- 新年開工、
- 大年初一開門、
- 安床,
The common folks consult a Master for auspicious date selection mainly as a way of following traditions, or to feel more at ease with their decisions. That is completely understandable. However, the wrong understanding and intention will send out a certain brainwave energy to the Universe. This negativity will re-bounce back to you in a vicious cycle resulting in you meeting the wrong people, and missing out on good opportunities. Executing your tasks on an inauspicious day can lead to undesirable outcomes.
A lot of people get angry at us, the metaphysicists, as they are laymen and do not understand the fact that there is one element in Auspicious Date Selection that is beyond our control. The Heaven decide the energies ruling the days, not us. Therein lies the difficulty of date selection. Thus, Master Dai Hu sincerely advises my beloved readers, please complete the planned task within the day and time period which I have painstakingly selected for you.
Should you ask me what activities require auspicious date selection, my answer is: many! They include the following:
- First hair shave for newborn
- First month celebration for newborn
- Acknowledgement of Deity as a child’s God parent
- Marriage
- Fetching the Bride
- Offering of tea by the Bride and Groom
- Official opening of a new business
- Venue of reception for your celebratory event
- First day of new job posting
- First day of building construction
- Opening of a bank account
- Moving into a new residence
- Medical operation
- Renovation of the house
- Purchase of big-sized furniture
- Visiting the temple to report a change of name
- Official launch of a new music record (for singers)
- Official premiere of a new movie
- Official press interview
- Official launch of a property sale
- Official launch of a stock counter on the Stock Exchange
- Trade transaction
- First day of work in a new year
- Door opening on the first day of Chinese New Year
- Placement of bed
Among the auspicious stars are the God of Happiness, God of Nobility, God of Fortune, God of Prosperity, God of Wealth, etc. Auspicious date selection entails capturing the angle of the auspicious heavenly stars, harnessing their energies and evading the inauspicious ones. In this way, you can be assured of success in completing your activity with minimal effort.