寄於彩雲飄嚮妳你Sending A Letter To You Through The Iridescent Clouds

Photo credit: Purple Lotus School
Hope and blessing are important nutrients of Life. Those who choose to give up their lives had a severe lack in these two: hope and blessings. Every life is extremely precious. Even though you are born in the human realm this life, it may shock you to know that you might not be a human being in your previous life. In my knowledge, if you are an ingrate, often take advantage of others, always filled with anger and hatred, engage in sexual misconduct, etc, the animal realm awaits you, for your next 500 lives or more.
Why Do I Talk About iridescent clouds?
You might think that the clouds in the sky are all white in colour, are they not? Yes, the clouds we see everyday appear white in colour. Why do I use the term “iridescent clouds”? Reason being: the eyes of a typical person would only see a typical white cloud. But the fact is, a cloud is not just white in colour. When the sky is about to pour, the clouds would change into their black clothing! It is my wish that the myriad of colours in a iridescent cloud would give you hope and blessings. An iridescent cloud has at least 7 colours, mind you! But the 5 most important colours are white, red, yellow, blue and green.
Let Me Share Your Worries With You
Frankly speaking, I had intended to write about white clouds, but in the eyes of most people, the mere thought of white clouds is insipid and unexciting. Therefore, I change the title to “iridescent clouds” to welcome all sentient beings to tell me their problems, and I would summon the clouds of colour specific to your wishes and “pen” these wishes on the clouds, before sending them floating your way, without you even noticing.
Please do not ridicule me for being naive. Naivety is my nature. In the spiritual practice of Buddhism and Taoism, these things are not fantasy stories but they are within your imagination and realisation. Only those who truly cultivate and attain actualize the spiritual practice will know that I am not spinning tales. Please do not take things too hard or view your life lightly. Should you encounter any obstacle in your life journey, let me know your name and address quickly. I will send hope and blessings to you, through the iridescent clouds.

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