The trait of saving is not unique to us humans. It is a natural tendency of all beings. The only difference lies in the things they save, their motives and wisdom in doing so. Some people like to save up food items, others prefer to hoard money and jewellery, and there are those who like to stockpile clothing and accessories, etc. The motives vary too. Some sentient beings save for rainy days, while others are just greedy and overly fixated on a particular item. As for the wisdom (or the lack of it) behind their actions, there are people who do it due to the influence from the older generation, some just want to feel that they are not lacking of anything and there are people who do it for public welfare.
The self-destructive behaviour of Man
Man is a highly-evolved mammal, and it is so for a reason. However, some people took it arrogantly and committed acts that harm themselves and others, befouling and wrecking havoc to an originally pristine creation, so much so that even the Gods would leave. I shed tears in silence many a time, and repeatedly pray that the sentient beings would awaken soon before regret sets in and disaster strikes. Why do I choose to exhaust myself? Not because I have brain damage or I find joy in shooting myself in the foot. The Bodhisattvas are compassionate towards all sentient beings. To accomplish the level of the Bodhisattva, you need to know how to be in union with the moment, and thereafter enter into the highest realm of selflessness and achieve eternal bliss and freedom.
what we should learn from the bees & ants
The bees and the ants are often known as the most hardworking insects. However, humans, impeded by their arrogance of being the most highly-evolved creature, are reluctant to learn from these insects. After I have gained more wisdom, I discover that there is a huge treasure trove hidden in Mother Nature. If you have this treasure, imagine the ease of attaining immortality. Although the motives and wisdom of the bees and ants for saving up and the things they keep aside are nowhere near immortality attainment, they demonstrated diligence, and it is exactly diligence that we humans ought to learn from them. As the saying goes, diligence can compensate for one’s dullness.
As for Master Dai Hu, of course, I know how to save! In fact, the things I save are more comprehensive, with both worldly and non-worldly ones. I have long been living a celestial-like life. If you wish to be like me, come along and follow me.