救人等同救己Saving Others Is Akin To Saving Yourself
今年天災地難似乎特別多。本以為這不過是自然界中的自然動態,可是這種動態怎麼每次都帶走這麼多人的生命? 且被帶走的生命也好像一次比一次多。是時候我們人類應該放下各自的門戶之見, 認真地同心協力,為我們的生存以及其它生命的生存, 努力不懈的探討與研究如何或能否讓這些所謂的大自然動態減少再減少。
想來吾也太天真了。自然界自有自然界的主宰,人類又憑什麼來與祂談條件? 費了很大的勁兒想啊想,唯一能與自然界的主宰談條件的方法就是我們人類要真心誠意的表現給祂看,給祂知道,我們珍惜所有的資源,我們尊重一切的生命。我們 不會制造足以摧毀人的生命, 一切生態之武器及軍火。我們互相尊重與和諧,我們敬天敬地,……等等。
吾個人認為最重要最重要的莫過於尊重一切生命。因為有生命,佛性才能夠有機緣啟發,才能結束漫長的六道輪迴之苦啊!也就是因為如此, 萬萬不可以去墮胎啊!殺生的業最重,墮胎就是殺生啊!
若妳你們看到,聽到哪裡有災難,哪裡有人急需要幫忙,有錢出錢,有力出力。兩者皆可出,那當然是最棒。千萬不可「半點心」,要就全心全意。也只有全心全意才能夠發出最大的慈悲,讓自然界、罹難者,以及妳你本身, 感受真實的關愛。切記! 救人等同救自己。
This year has seen many, more than it ought to be, natural disasters occurring. I originally thought this was just a natural phenomenon of Mother Nature. But why is this “course of nature” claiming more and more lives with every occurrence? It is about time that mankind lay down their biases against one another and work together seriously for the survival of not just mankind, but also all living beings. Mankind should strive relentlessly to find a solution to reduce the frequency of these calamities occurring.
I guess I am too naive. What right does mankind has to negotiate with Mother Nature, who is Her Own Master? I rack my brains exhaustively and concluded that probably the only way for us to talk terms with Mother Nature is for mankind to truthfully and sincerely show Her that we treasure all the natural resources and that we respect all lifeforms. We need to show Her that mankind is will give up making weapons of destruction that could cause countless deaths and destroy the ecological environment. We want to let Mother Nature know that we can respect one another and live together in harmony, and that we respect the Heavens and the Earth… etc.
I personally feel that the most important of all is having respect for all lives. Because when given the opportunity to live, there is a chance that the Buddha Nature can be illuminated to finally end the sufferings in this long, long cycle of Samsara. That is why it is utmost that you do not have abortion! Killing a life comes with a heavy karmic price to pay, and abortion IS killing life.
Should you see or hear of any disaster, or anyone in dire need of assistance, please do your part, in monetary terms or through your efforts. It would be excellent if you could do both. However, please do it with all your heart, not halfheartedly, for only when you give 100% would you evoke the greatest compassion for Mother Nature, the victims of the natural disasters and even your own self to feel the true care and concern.
Please remember this: lending a helping hand to others is also your own salvation.