懺悔才免業來攻Repent For Your Sins Before Karma Strikes!

西方三聖,從左到右: 南無大勢至菩薩,南無阿彌陀佛,南無觀世音菩薩 Holy Trinity of Western Paradise, from Left to Right: Namo Mahāsthāmaprāpta, Namo Amitābha, Namo Avalokiteśvara
In the past, I had the misconception that the love and kindness bestowed to us by our own parents are the greatest of all, until I started learning the Dharma. I sighed to myself for being so superficial. Therefore, I did my utmost best to achieve mastery in the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics, in the hope that I will not let down my Guru Master, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their salvation, Dharma transmittance as well as empowerment. However, in the course of my daily spiritual cultivation, there are days when the mind is strong but the body is feeble and I am unable to get into the right condition. I know that this is an obstacle in the path of spiritual cultivation, and I naturally pray to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for help. I would wait patiently and believe that the dark clouds would soon be gone.
Reason why Dharma learners are still trapped in reincarnation
Spiritual cultivators pray to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for help because They are sages who have perfected the enlightenment practice, and only They have such deep and unlimited store of merits to transform the obstacles in front of us into a boost of strength, helping the spiritual cultivator to achieve enlightenment speedily. Those who learn and practice the Dharma never pray solely for their own benefits, instead they wish for attainment of Buddhahood so as to have the prowess to deliver all sentient beings from their sufferings. This goal is the first, and only, intention and motivation for all spiritual cultivators. Therefore, please do not act in a moment of rash, or without serious consideration, and pronounce that you want to enter monkhood, that you want to learn the Dharma. If you do not uphold the goal of achieving Enlightenment and deliver all sentient beings, you will end up “going home”, giving up on your Bodhicitta and losing your motivation. This is a serious violation of the precept, and the six realms of existence await you.
With no repentance, sufferings will never end.
It is not that the debt of love and kindness from our parents is insignificant. The Great Buddha deeply respects it, and promotes filial piety in His Teachings, among them the famous “Sutra Of The Fundamental Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” as well as the “The Buddha Speaks the Sutra about the Deep Kindness of Parents and the Difficulty in Repaying it”. Even though our parents gave birth to and raised us, they are unable to teach us the way to liberate from the never-ending sufferings in the cycles of birth and death, and the afflictions from our physiological and emotional sufferings. Our parents are unable to lead us out of our sufferings. But the teachings of the Buddha show us a clear path out of this sufferings. The kindness bestowed to us by our parents may be as deep as the ocean, but the kindess bestowed by the Buddha and Guru Master is as vast as the Universe.
Let’s leave spiritual cultivation aside for the time being. Our fortunes in marriage, wealth, descendants, career, financial state, physiological and emotional state are more or less tied to our negative karma accumulated over past lives. We ought to repent for these sins as fast as we can before karma strikes!