小山噴泉Placement of Water & Rock Features
最近到一家餐館,還未踏入門, 就已聼到流水的聲音。 流水聲量之大,不祥也。
這樣的設計會帶給公司一種人事跟錢財糾紛。 如果放錯,腳也會有酸痛的問題。
I visited a restaurant recently and before I could enter the place, I could distinctly hear the sound of running water. It was too loud to fulfill the conditions of good Feng Shui.
Turned out that near the entrance, there was a design feature consisting of a little bridge with running water beside it.
I had always discouraged the placement of water features or small rocks formation. Do refrain from setting up such features at home, thinking that it would boost the Feng Shui of your home.
A design like this at the restaurant will create interpersonal & financial disagreements. If the position is wrong, such a water feature will also cause sores & pains in the legs.