腳痛Pain In The Legs
當晚,修行人在禪觀中見到一對師徒在起爭執。在爭執中,徒弟將一個盃子扔嚮其師父,盃子也著實打到其師父。修行人定睛一看,那個弟子就是,因腳痛而來求醫,的那位男子。 跟師父起爭執已是錯,再加上持物傷自己的師父,那就更嚴重了。修行人也在禪觀中,見到幾位冥吏,將滾燙的燒水淋在那位男子的腳,難怪那位男子每到半夜就被痛醒。
Every time when it was late into the night, an excruciating shot of pain in the foot would jolt the man out of his deep slumber. Finally he could take this no more and decided to seek medical treatment. However, there seemed to be no effective cure for his ailment, despite consulting both western and traditional medical practitioners. Once, a friend recommended him to a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, and that night after treatment, the pain in his foot went away. He thought he had seen the last of his sufferings but, alas, a few days later, that unwelcome yet familiar pain in his foot relapsed and sent him seething in pain and wide awake in the middle of the night.
Man With Incurable Leg Pain Finally Meets The Miraculous Healer!
Subsequently, he got wind of a spiritual practitioner widely acclaimed for his miraculous healing powers. Left with little options, he decided to give it a shot by visiting this renowned spiritual practitioner. Hundreds of people seek miracles and cures from this healer everyday, and finally, it was his turn to see the master. This spiritual master took a detailed look at his foot and could not immediately find the root cause of his suffering. The master knew that this was not an ordinary ailment and, therefore, blew a breath of innate pure essence over his foot, hoping for a speedy recovery.
Yin Punishment of the Defiant Disciple
The energy of pure essence in the breath rebounded, instead of permeating the man’s foot. This was baffling for the spiritual master and for a moment, he could not figure out why. He then asked the man to go back and promised to have a clear answer for him after a thorough investigation. That very night, the spiritual master meditated on this and a scene appeared. In the scene, a student and his master were having a bitter argument. In the midst of arguing, the student took a cup and threw at his master, hitting him. The spiritual master took a good look and saw clearly that the errant student was the very man who sought his help today. Arguing with a master is already a wrong thing to do, not to mention the grave mistake of hurling an object and hurting the master. Still in his meditation, the spiritual master also saw hell guards poured boiling water on the leg of the man he met today. No wonder this man would suffer from scalding pain in his legs in the middle of the night.
The spiritual master recounted, in detail, what he saw in his meditation to the man, and advised him to quickly seek forgiveness from his master and at the same time, perform repentance practice. Only then will the pain in his foot go away naturally. No one can tell how many such similar cases are out there happening to other people now.