是時候修福修德了Now is the Time to Cultivate your Merits and Morals
On my recent work assignments, be it Feng Shui audits, luck cycle analysis, name analysis or consecration etc, I was surprised that I could not meet a single client who truly had merits and morals. As long as you can find me, I will strive my best to bring benefits to you. However, have you ever thought of this: what if one day I attain enlightenment, or I go into reclusion, or I retire, or we lose contact or got separated by others? When this day arrives, who will be there to bear the brunt of your negative karma? Who will be there to do his best and bring benefits to you? This is a question which you need to quieten your mind and give it a serious thought.
Have you ever pondered why our wealth will not last beyond our third generation? Why do others not appreciate and treat you well? Why do they not support you? You and your friend started a new job at the same time in the same company, with similar qualifications. However your salary pale in comparison to him or her, and you are not as highly valued either. You struggled and finally started your own business, but it folded within a year or two. More and more of such scenarios continue to happen in your life. Why are these happening? Why? Why?
As this question keeps swirling in your head, you should, at the same time, asked yourself, “What merits or morals do I have to deserve the good fortune?” We should make good use of our inherent wisdom (the brain) to think and ponder. Why is the Heaven benevolent? Why is the Earth all encompassing? Why does the tree bear fruits? Why is there spring water among the valleys? Why are there herbs among the plants that can cure diseases? Etc etc. These are lessons taught to us by Mother Nature. She teaches us that selfless giving is the source of our own prosperity. On the contrary, people who are selfish and self-centred will never experience bountiful harvest in their lives. The reason is simpy that these people did not sow enough seeds for that to happen! Quit the incessant whining and self attachment. If you desire a good harvest and all things great, the time is now to cultivate your merits and morals.