不是普通的笨Not Your Ordinary Stupidity
Stupidity is a word that, when it comes to Master Dai Hu, does not come easy to my mouth. However, recently, I seemed to use this word a lot. I am a spiritual cultivator with a strong sense of self awareness and self reflection, therefore, I am extra vigilant when it comes to spoken words. My words have to be sensible and empowering. Here, let me wish those whom I have empowered with the word “stupidity” that they will gradually becomes smarter.
This is the only way to break out of stupidity!
The Wisdom of Perfect Insight is one of the Five Great Wisdoms of the Tathagathas. Through prolonged spiritual practice of the Dharma, it is natural to observe everything with the Wisdom of Perfect Insight, and in the process, authenticate the unimpeded and complete wisdom of the Tathagathas, achieve enlightenment and see your Buddha Nature. Only at this state, we will lose all affinity with stupidity. Or else, it would be wishful thinking that one can escape Samsara and karmic sufferings. Please remember this!
There are people who will really do such a thing!
This world is definitely not lacking in stupidity, therefore, I foresee that my empowerment using the word “stupidity” shall continue for the time being. Now, you should get your drinks ready, sit comfortably, and let me slowly share with you this topic, which I am very familiar with. There are some people with regular and stable jobs but refuse to be contented with what they have. Instead, they began to outsmart themselves, got some friends together, made unwise investments and ended up with heavy debts. They promised to provide well for their wives before marriage, but dragged her along into credit card debts instead. The impoverished friends now had to live on instant noodles and some of them are married with wives, and have children and sickly elderly at home!
Due to space constraint, I shall not elaborate further and hope that this short story will remind everyone do not be lazy to take the seemingly easier route and do stupid things that implicate yourselves and others. Some of the people in this story know me, but due to the worthless pride that they held so dearly, they would rather allow themselves and their families to continue their struggles in poverty, living on instant noodles and be laden with credit card debts. With no doubt, this is no ordinary stupidity.

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Salvation By The Name of The Supreme Healer