《向善向上》新書上市!New Book Release!
如果妳你是一心想要學善,這本書能夠完全提供妳你這方面的方向。如果你要學佛, 想要改善命運,增加自己本身良好的磁場,這本書裏都有。可以說,這本書包羅萬有,只有妳你誠心願意地去閲讀,包管妳你獲益匪淺!
這是本善書,玳瑚師父前些日子曾解說何謂善書。善書一定能夠放光,不是妳你放在櫥窗裏,晚上妳你就真的看到它的光,而是一種無形的光,能 夠改變妳你的磁場、妳你家的氣場,能夠導人向善,改變人的命運,這就是善光的意思。善書必定有善神護佑,妳你閲讀這本書,將它放在妳你身 邊,善神也會來眷顧妳你,但妳你本身一定要讀,妳你讀了,消化了,善神會更加持久地在妳你周遭。
This book represents my heart. A small collection of my online articles from 2013-2015, it chronicles my progressive journey of attaining wisdom. The book is printed in both traditional Chinese and English. Much gratitude to my Taiwan publisher, White Elephant.
If you have the sincerest of desire to be a virtuous person, this book is fully capable of giving you the right direction. If you want to learn the Dharma, change your life for the better, and increase the positive energies of your body, this is the book for you. I can say that this book is all encompassing, and as long as you read it with a willing and sincere heart, you are bound to benefit immensely!
This is a virtuous book, and Master Dai Hu had explained previously on what exactly is a book of virtue. Such a book will give out Light. Not the ordinary light which you can see with your physical eyes, but a Light with no physical form. This Light will transform the energy fields of yourself and your home. It will inspire others to be virtuous and change their destinies for the better. This is what I meant by the Light of Virtue. A virtuous book would surely be protected by the Gods. When you read the book and place it beside you, you will be protected as well. However, you must really read and understand the book and the messages it conveys. In this way, the Gods will be around you longer.
In my next tea session, I will personally sign and give out some copies of this book to sincere readers with a keen learning attitude to better their lives!
歡迎購買我的書!You can buy my book at:
https://www.masterdaihu.com/book-purchase-towards-kindness-towards-betterment/ (Singapore & international orders)
http://www.pcstore.com.tw/elephantwhite/M21776062.htm (Taiwan)