給國家領袖的祝福My Wishes for Our Country’s Leader
About 3 years ago, I deduced that the health condition of Mr Lee Kuan Yew would show signs of deterioration in the coming years. I told my disciples to look out for any related news and keep me informed.
I got to know last week that our Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong, was scheduled to undergo a surgery to remove his prostate gland. I checked the surgery date in the Farmers Calendar and was relieved that the date was beneficial to PM Lee. I knew that the operation was going to be a success. He must have gotten sound advice on the date from advisers of high caliber. Thank goodness for that.
On the Facebook page of PM Lee, many left well wishes and there were some who made unkind comments. And recent news on our Founding Father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who got hospitalized due to pneumonia, attracted similar well wishes as well as unkind remarks.
It is a very arduous job to be the leader of a country, especially in Singapore. We do not have any natural resources and have to rely on human resources. If the country is not managed well, which MNC would want to invest in our country and where will our employment opportunities come from? To manage a family is challenging enough, let alone to run a country with a myriad of complex issues and people. I saw that Mr Lee Hsien Loong has turned silver-haired not long after he became the Prime Minister. One can imagine the amount of stress and mental exhuastion he had to undergo.
As a human being, we should have well wishes for another human. If you feel that he did a bad job, why follow suit? To curse someone does not make you any better. Please do not do that. It would make you seem like a petty person with no proper upbringing and education. We should be learned and understand the situation first.
If you are in his shoes, and you contracted similar illness, how would you feel if you are on the receiving end of unkind comments? Please think about it like how a real gentleman would. That is how a human being should behave.
There is no perfect government in the world as this is the mortal world. To be living in Singapore is already considered a great blessing. There are many countries who do not possess our level of stability and prosperity. Do not be the heartless one who has not repay the privileges given by your country. In the eyes of karma, when you scold and humiliate a person, you are, in fact, transferring a huge amount of your merits to that person.
Master Dai Hu wishes PM Lee a speedy recovery, and may he continues to strive to better our country. It is also my sincere hope that Mr Lee Kuan Yew be free from the sufferings of ill health soon.