我的未來不是夢My Future Is Not A Dream
Looking back at the bits and pieces of the past, I had a feeling that I have been in this secular world for a very long time. But those memories, like movie scenes that keep playing in my head, seemed only like yesterday. Some memories seemed distant while some seemed recent. I used to long for these scenes of my growing up to be stored securely in my usual limited memory bank, and to be able to access them as and when I want, at different stages of my life to see if they are still beautiful.
Why the three minds cannot be obtained
I gradually “come round” after learning the Dharma. The Buddha expounded that the three minds of the past, the present and the future cannot be obtained. After giving it a serious contemplation, I am in awe of the wisdom in the Dharma. That few words from the Dharma awaken the dreaming man with a start. No matter how much you cry or kick up a fuss about the past, the past will never return and replay. The present? It will soon become the past. The future, even though it has not arrived, shall become the past too, in time to come. So indeed, the three minds of the past, present and future can not be obtained.
Why people commit wrongs in their dreams
If you truly practice the teachings of the Buddha in your daily life, you will not bear hatred or jealously for another person. Greed or desire will not dictate you, as everything shall pass. When night falls, a peaceful sleep awaits you. Even if there are dreams, they should be auspicious ones. Some people “commit crimes” in their dreams because of their distorted thoughts and wishful thinking during the day. They wish to increase their merits and eradicate their negative karma but after some time, they end up with the reverse. They are unable to come out from their “dream” state and as such, their future will continue to be illusory. Ha, ha, ha!
How to know if your future will not be just a dream
Now, I am not being the pot calling the kettle black. I treat every minute of my life seriously, upholding the teachings of the Tathāgata. Since a long time ago, my way of living has never been separated from the way of the Dharma. The way of the Dharma has never been disengaged from my life either. I strive diligently and set goals within a time frame, to scale new heights each time. I am also able to control my dream state, and extend my cultivation from the day into my dreams. And that is why I know for sure that my future will not be just a dream.