求學時期,吾不喜的其中一個科目,是數學。人生漫長歲月裡,或多或少是有些無奈的。就好比吾自己,原本不喜的科目,後來卻為它費寑忘食,又以它來利己利她 他。一般人會認為,數學這科目,不能和算命術相提並論。其實是深淺的問題,妳你有無察覺到,我們的年齡、我們所穿的衣褲、我們住的街號、樓層、門牌、我們 所穿的鞋子、我們所駕的車、我們所乘搭的公共巴士、我們工作的薪水、我們生病時所服食的藥丸及藥水、等等,可以說,我們的一切行、住、坐、臥,皆離不開一 個「數」,所以才會叫做,命中有數啊!
懂得「算命數」,利己利她他兩相宜,在人生的道路上,也能夠避免再設障礙給自己,「未來」肯定比「現在」好。要不然,我們就像瞎子探路,隨時隨地都會跌進 坑洞,「一失足成千古恨」,哈!哈!哈!吾所認識的人當中,不懂也不信而累己累人的,為數實不少。坦白說,這些人有八個字可形容,那就是咎由自取,自做自 受。為何這樣說呢?這些人當中,大多吾都會吾都會出口出手救之,正所謂江山易改,本性難移,其實也不是難移,是她他們選擇不要移。或許她他們沒讀過「愚公 移山」的故事吧!
年青人甲因不諳投資,欠下百多千債務。其實在很多多年前,吾早已知道他會有這一個「劫」,所以在早些時候,吾已勸請其太座,積極「看護」他,並也告知其太 座,他一直都在「密謀造反」。那天其太座來向吾討教,由衷佩服吾之神準。因為其先生果真「密謀造反」,吾聽了沒什麼反應,祇因為老早就知道了。吾再鼓勵其太座,早日認取智慧,早日自在快樂圓滿。
One of the subjects that I disliked during my school days was Mathematics. In the long winding road of a life journey, it is inevitable to feel helpless at times. Take myself for example, the subject which I loathe, later turned out to be something which made me forget my meals and rest, and allowed me to make use of it to bring benefits to myself and others. Many people may feel that Mathematics has nothing to do with fortune-telling. Actually, it is a matter of depth. Have you noticed that our age, our clothes, our address, our shoes, the car we drive or the bus we take, our salaries, the medicine we ate during our sickness, etc, and our whole life are all related to numbers? Thus the Chinese saying that “Our destiny is predestined (in numbers)”!
Knowledge of fortune-telling enables one to help oneself and those around him. It also equips a person with the foresight of not setting up obstacles for himself, thereby ensuring a brighter future. If not for this precious knowledge, we would be like a blind person walking down the road, with a high chance of falling into a hole anytime. As they say, “a false step leads into an eternity of regrets”! Ha ha ha! Among those people I know, there are many of them who do not know, nor believe in fortune-telling, and as a result, brought mishap to themselves and others around them. Frankly speaking, I can only say that they brought it upon themselves. Why do I say that? It is because amongst these people, I had offered advice and assistance to them. But alas, a leopard cannot change its spots, or can it? The fact is they chose NOT to change for the better. Perhaps it is because they have not read the story of the Old Man Yu Who Moves The Mountain!
A young man, let’s call him A, failed in his investments and fell into a debt amounting to hundred over thousand dollars. Actually, since many years ago, I had knew that he would suffer this fate (of being in debt) and I advised his wife to keep a close watch over him. I told the wife that Mr A. would continue investing secretly behind her back. That day, the wife came and asked me for some advice and expressed admiration for my accurate prediction. Indeed, her husband has been secretly doing investments behind her back. I did not show any reaction after hearing this, as I already knew it in my heart. I encouraged the wife to speedily strive for wisdom and achieve complete bliss.
Master Dai Hu sincerely urged everyone to be diligent in understanding the Principles of Numbers! Or risk being made a wreck of yourself by the predestined numbers in your destiny.
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