玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


師父真的有X光眼 :)Master Really Has X-ray Eyes :)



On 26th of June, I posted an article titled The True Reality on my Facebook page and it caught the attention of a female client. She sent in her personal experience, a true-life story that happened to her family, and wishes to share with my readers here. She hopes by sharing her real-life story, more people will be motivated to accumulate merits for their own good.

Thank you to Ms Lim En Tong for her testimonial.



我是师父多年的顾客。开始我不相信风水。通过大学朋友(师父的徒弟)的介绍,认识了师父。因为师父的精通,料事如神,又通过改了我的家的风水,解决了我们多年不能解决的问题,所以不得不相信风水的力量。 但是选一个好的师父很重要。不然您花了钱,也不一定能看到改善。


我想與大家分享師父如何有”X 光眼"。


我在去年 (2013年) 拿了一張我姨丈的近照給師父看。姨丈他那時候面臨生意和健康上的問題。他剛動完心臟手術,想聘請師父為他的家看風水。師父看了照片只說了一句:"怨親债主找上門了。"





1) 我們出生時,就已經有天定的命運了。 因此我會生在新加坡的林家。

2) 我們的命運奠定我們一生的妻財子祿壽。

3) 我們可以利用風水來改造命運。透過家裏的佈局, 運用五行的相生相剋,風水可以除去我們生活中有形的障礙

4) 但無論家居風水多好,如果你的德行不好、福德不足,您不會看到您命運的改變。

多做善事,多累计福份。 求忏悔,消业障。


Good Feng Shui Master Dai Hu

Ms Lim En Tong:

I have been a customer of Master Daihu’s for at least 5+ years. Initially, I didn’t believe in Feng Shui. Through my NUS friend, Jiqian’s recommendation (whom is Master’s disciple), I got to know Master. As he is so accurate and solved my family problems through the enhancement of my house Feng Shui, I believed in him and the beauty and effectiveness of Fengshui if applied correctly and more importantly, by an accurate Feng Shui Master (whom is Master Dai Hu).

I’m very grateful to Master Dai Hu for his help and advice all these years as it really improved my family and business situation.

Let me share one of the stories that Master really has X-ray eyes

As he is very accurate, I started introducing My family members and friends to meet him. One of them is my uncle’s family.

I showed Master a photo of my uncle last year (2013) as he was facing problems in his business and health. He had a heart operation and my uncle wished to engage Master to see his house’s Feng Shui. At that time, Master made a remark, “冤情债主找上门了。 (His karmic creditors are here.)”

Shortly after Master made this remark, in around less than one month, my uncle got a sudden virus attack and passed away suddenly, without leaving any instructions for his business or family.

My Aunt told me actually after my uncle had a heart operation one year ago before he passed away, he felt that there were “things” biting him everyday. But he could not see anything biting him. My aunt asked him what he had killed before. My uncle said when he was young, he stayed in the kampong and killed many insects. To eat the honey, he used fire to kill many bees.

Then my auntie understood about karma and knew why my uncle was bitten by “invisible things” already. The animals and insects that he killed before were taking revenge on my uncle. Especially when he was weak, the debtors and creditors will take chance to take revenge.

Master already can foresee it coming but he can’t say. Therefore, Master is really accurate. He always tell us to do more good deeds. To improve our life and have less obstacles, we need to accumulate more merits.

Master once said:
First, Destiny;
Second, Luck;
Third, Feng Shui;
Fourth, Merits accumulation;
Fifth, Education

1) We are born with a destiny. That’s why I’m born in Singapore in the Lim family.

2) Our life destiny comes with what will happen in our life at certain age, our health, our luck, our career, the wealth we can earn in this life

3) However, we can change with Feng Shui. Feng Shui can remove the physical obstacles that is affecting us based on enhancing elements that we need and removing elements that we don’t need, especially at certain places in our house.

4) However, no matter how good the Feng Shui is, if your character is of bad nature and you don’t have enough merits, you still will not see an improvement in your life.

Therefore, Master always reminds us to do good deeds and accumulate merits. You will see an improvement in your life. That’s what I experienced with Master’s Feng Shui help

Yours sincerely,
Francesca Lim

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