武動生命“Martial” Up Your Life!

My tears fell on several occasions in the past when I see disabled people. I ponder if one day I become disabled, what will I do? What will happen to those unfinished tasks and aspirations? With new insights and wisdom from learning the Dharma, these ignorant thoughts have long been transformed under the guiding light of Right Knowledge and Right View, thus protecting me from being tortured by unwholesome thoughts. I recognized that physical disability is not fearful. The most fearful disability is those that cripple your mind and soul. But alas, there are people suffering from such crippling disabilities everywhere. Amithaba.
In real life, I am often in contact with people of mind & soul disabilities. If these people are from my clientele, I guess it is not that bad. What will be scary is if they are among my disciples and students. That would be my fate then. Debts from previous lives have to be cleared in this lifetime. This is karma and the way the Universe enforces fairness and equality. With the light of wisdom, I can only counter measure with measure, come what may.
I once helped a person who was close to being disabled. On another occasion, I injured myself due to over-exercise. For more than a month, I was bordering on the edge of physical disability. It was a really close shave. I am fortunate to receive the blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and coupled with the medical knowledge I inherited from my late father, I was able to heal myself with my self-invented techniques. Tested over time and with extensive practice, I am now more confident to impart these techniques to those who need help or wish to learn it for their fitness regimens.
Previously, I mentioned that I am often in contact with people of mind and soul disabilities. That day whilst I was giving lessons, I had this sudden impulse and demonstrated some moves. That got my students excited momentarily and requesting for more. Overnight, I became a “Kung Fu superstar” adulated by the millions. The price to pay for such happiness? Utter tiredness. Ha ha ha!
The phrase “Prevention is better than cure.” is right. I believe everyone of us is possibly disabled, and I also believe none of us wants to be that way. Thus, let us all exercise more diligently while we still can! It is said that physical exercise is the essence to life. Well, for me, I say “Let’s kick some martial buzz into our lives”! All roads lead to Rome, don’t they? Ha ha ha!