靠近我就在今晚 - 春節大年初三餐會Lunar New Year Dinner – 2016 Annual Luck Cycle Talk
靠近我就在今晚 – 春節大年初三餐會
靠近我就在今晚。欲靠近者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。
大年初三,星期三, 2016年2月10日
8pm – 1030pm
Melt – The World Cafe, The Mandarin Oriental, Marina Square
餐飲自費,除此以外,沒有額外收費。這將是個小型的聚餐,名額有限,請趁早報名。一律歡迎有福有慧有心者!出席 者請自備紙和筆,也別忘了攜帶一對年柑向玳瑚師父拜年哦 !

The Book of Changes, or “I-Ching”, is renowned to be the most profound, most difficult to read and most treasured book. However, in this widely acclaimed mystical book lies the hidden powerful knowledge that man has the ability to totally transform himself, ascend into sainthood and attain achieve fortunes for livelihood. The I-Ching is the fountain of source from which Chinese Metaphysics arts of geomancy, divination, destiny analysis, name analysis, etc, emerge. According to others, if you are in Japan, and the Japanese ask, “What are you studying?”, and you replied, “I-Ching”, they will show their utmost respect with their palms together. Why is that so? Because it is an extraordinary feat to learn and be able to comprehend the I-Ching.
The beginning of the year commences with Spring. This phrase speaks volume of the fact that the season of Spring is a period of renewal for Mother Nature. During this Spring Festival, what better way to kick start your year with a meal session with a true spiritual cultivator, a person of virtuous knowledge!
Your ancestors, karmic debtors, and fetal spirits would be positively influenced by the Dharma expounded by this virtuous person of genuine spiritual cultivation, and be guided towards a state of purity. Hence, to both you and them, this meal session is a fantastic gathering. Master Dai Hu will also talk about, with compassion, the annual luck cycle, as depicted by the Nine Flying Stars, and interact with all whom have the affinity to attend. This is a rare opportunity not to be missed! This is the night to be near, let us get together!
Date :
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Time :
Melt – The World Cafe, The Mandarin Oriental, Marina Square
For those keen in attending, kindly send a text message to my assistant at +65 90212098 to reserve your seat.
As it is Master Dai Hu’s wish to keep the session personal, seats will be limited.
Dinner will be at your own expense. There will be no other charges for this event. Master Dai Hu welcomes participants, who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. Do register early to avoid disappointment! Please remember to bring your own pen and paper and don’t forget to bring a pair of mandarin oranges to say your New Year greetings to Master Dai Hu!