大愛Love That Encompasses All
在漫長的學習與實修的歲月裡,吾的領悟是這樣的; 一般人以為有了伴侶,好好愛他她,就是愛了。他她們也認為這種愛已是很偉大了。聽起來是沒有錯,但大家仔細的想一想,一位要將她的愛平均分給十個孩子的母親,一位無微不至的照顧整間醫院的醫生,更甚的是,一位天天無時無刻為一切眾生祈禱的宗教領袖,他她們的所付出的愛,相對於兩性之間的愛,試問那一種愛比較偉大?相信無須吾說,仁人君子,已知曉答案。
當然,我們今天不是在比較誰的愛較大,而是要告知大家大愛的重要性。你妳們可知道為何有宗教之間的不和諧,為何有恐怖份子,為何戰爭,等等。這一切都是因為沒有大愛啊!如果說; 全世界的人類是上帝所造,那人類的自相殘殺,難道是上帝所要看到的?千萬不可罵天,也千萬不可憑空亂想。祂如何沒有大愛,祂是不能成為上帝的。
In my youth, I craved and hoped for a pure and everlasting love. My perception of love was not limited to the romantic pursuits between 2 lovers. It encompassed friendships and kinships as well. Alas, my longings remained unfulfilled. Deep inside me were just feelings of despair and helplessness that true love somehow eluded me.
I did not meet my true love but fortune favoured me to be born in a religious family and I got in touch with Chinese metaphysics and religion when I was young. These 2 studies imperceptibly inspired me and nurtured my soul. My wisdom grew and it prevented me from turning into an irrational and vengeful person. I am truly grateful to Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics.
As I walked the long long road of learning and actualising my practice, I form this understanding: it is a common notion that if a person finds his or her other half, and loves him or her, that is it. That is their definition of love. It does not sound wrong, but let’s just think a little deeper. A mother who shares her love among her 10 children. A doctor who loves his patients in a hospital. And a religious leader who relentlessly prays everyday for the well-being of all sentient beings. Which kind of love is more significant, as compared to the former between 2 persons? I rest my case, and I know the wise one in you already had the answer.
Of course, we are not comparing whose love is more significant, but more importantly to let everyone knows the importance of great love. Do you know the reason for disharmony between the different religions? Why are there terrorists and wars etc? All these boil down to the lack of agape love! If God creates all beings, He would not like to see us killing one another. Do not blame God nor let your imagination run wild. If He does not have agape love, He would not be God.
At present, Master Dai Hu is able to sleep peacefully because I have truly understand the essence of an all-encompassing love. I sincerely hope that in my future years I would able to promote this concept of love and bring more peace and harmony to this world. A place without love is surely not a harmonious place. I am sure everyone wants to lead a peaceful life. Since that is the case, why not join our hands to build a world of harmony and prosperity? Come on! Let us all set free and express the great love that is hidden deep inside everyone of us.