向日Looking Towards the Sun
Swimming is a sport I enjoy thoroughly, and I could do it up to three times a week. Every time before I set off for the pool, I would look out of the window and see if it is a sunny or a breezy day. If it was not that kind of weather, I would usually banish any thought of swimming that day and would wait out for another day or two. I love to see Mr Sunshine, as He always gives people brilliance, excitement, hope, joy and all the positive energies.
Many people assume that the flowers are at their most brilliant in Spring time. In fact, Spring is when the flowers blossom, but Summer is when they compete to be the most radiant of them all. The same goes for fruits. As long as there is sufficient sunlight, the fruits harvested would be especially sweet! Do not forget that durian, the king of fruits, as well as mangosteen, the queen of fruits, are both grown in the tropics. I am dancing in delight as we are talking about fruits and flowers!
It is not just the plants and trees, vegetables and fruits. In fact, human beings and the animals, even all living beings in this world, rely heavily on the energy from the Sun to live on this tumultuous planet. The Sun wields a great and selfless influence, and shines on every one with no bias at all. We, as Buddhists, should learn from the great example set by the Sun. And this is the reason why, all these years, I have been looking up diligently to the Sun, observing and learning from the Sun, and looking forward to the day I attain Enlightenment and be eternally free from the sufferings of reincarnation.
What I meant by “looking towards the Sun” is to be on the Right Path, to make use of all your abilities and selflessly contribute to all of mankind. Observing the Sun is to channel the light of Eternity and Righteousness into our body and merge with it. Learning from the Sun is to emulate its ability to break through and vanquish all darkness, relieving all sentient beings of fear and giving them the serenity and stability they so crave for.
I am going to let everybody in on this: It is definitely a very important ritual to look towards the Sun, observe and learn from it every day because everybody is wishing for the one single shot of effort that can lead them to salvation!