大家一起學風水#3 - 選旺店Let’s Learn Feng Shui Together #3 – Choosing An Auspicious Shop Lot
近日為馬國的客人選店面,從五個選擇裡挑一間。當中有兩間的卦位是屬天羅地網位。這樣的店如果頂下來,貴人不臨、常遭賊入、心靈受困、官非連連等不幸的事 將會一一地降臨。曾有一位客人從銀行拍賣那兒買了一間超便宜的洋房。前屋主因為破產而屋子被銀行沒收,客人以為自己撿到寶。不料,住進不久,家裡被盜賊 「光顧」,整個大型保險箱被搬走,自己後來也無辜地被警察扣留四天,家族生意的業績也漸漸滑落,直到搬遷到另一間屋子,情況才好轉。想想看,如果這屋子有好風水的話,前屋主怎會宣告破產呢?
I recently did a selection of shop lot for a client from Malaysia. There were 5 shop lots to choose from, and 2 of these lots were located on very inauspicious positions on the Trigram, known as the Inescapable Net of Encirclement. This invisible net can spread as vast as the Earth and as high as the sky, with no mean of escape. If these 2 shops were to be used for business, the owner will experience a downturn in fortune,with no benefactor coming forward. There will be theft, lawsuits, emotional entrapment and a series of other mishaps.
I once had a client who bought an extremely cheap bungalow from a bank auction. The previous owner of this property got bankrupted and the bank repossessed the house. This client of mine thought he got a great bargain, but not long after moving in, his house was burgled and the huge family safe was taken away. On another occasion, he was in police remand for 4 days before he was found innocent. His family business showed signs of decline. Things got better only when he moved to another house. Think about it, if the Feng Shui of this bungalow was good in the first place, how did the previous owner got himself bankrupt?
People who distrust Feng Shui would choose a shop lot based on their own feelings and intuition, and start the business with a friend or two. Do you not consider this very risky at all? Is this risk worth taking? In my list of clients, there are too many cases of failed businesses. Some of them failed due their birth chart incompatibility to be entrepreneurs. Many more others failed because of the terrible Feng Shui of their business premises.
My dear fans and readers, with your sharp and discerning eyes, can you tell why I choose this particular shop lot for my client, out of the 3 choices left?