偕妳你懂堪輿Let’s Learn Feng Shui Together
髮型師問: 多拜「好兄弟」能助旺生意嗎?
吾說: 「好兄弟」又不是堪輿高手,自身也難保,怎能幫你轉運呀?
Every one of us has our individual luck cycle. So does a retail outlet.
An accomplished Master can foretell the remaining years of prosperity a retail outlet will have, just by walking past it. He is able to do that even without the aid of a Luo Pan.
Looking at this hair salon outlet, there are two aspects of its Feng Shui that are wrongly done:
- Placing mannequin heads on the Dragon (left) side of the salon.
- Location of the cash register machine.
(Of course there are more…)
If the wealth sector of a shop is located wrongly, and consequently unable to receive the inflow of wealth energy, there is little hope of prosperity.
I do hope that the salon owner can engage a competent Feng Shui Master, to resolve its business woes in time.
A hair stylist asked, “If we make frequent offerings to the ‘good brothers’ (ghosts), will the business prosper?”
I said, “These ‘good brothers’ are not experts in Feng Shui. They themselves are seeking salvation and unable to fend for themselves. How would they be able to help you change your luck?”