大家一起學風水#1 - 一杯南洋咖啡Let’s Learn Feng Shui together #1 – A Cup of Nanyang Coffee
那天剛好路過這間在烏節一帶的咖啡店,難得「有閒空」,就進去點了一杯吾喜歡喝的咖啡烏。 坐下來喝著咖啡時,吾要弟子立刻說出這間咖啡店最嚴重的風水缺陷。
吾對弟子的要求是苛刻的。 弟子必須要學會看人看陽宅都要快和準,不能在那裡猶豫不決或胡說八道。 不是只有拿著羅盤才能看風水。 吾常向弟子說,師父還會給她他們機會。 但到了外面,如果看錯了,害了人,闖了禍,有多少人還會給她他們機會呢?
一口一口地喝著那香濃的咖啡時,吾想著要不要為咖啡店的負責人指點迷津。 這間店的賺錢潛能還未發揮得淋漓盡緻,有點可惜。 但看起來,現場也沒有一位是當家的。 因緣未具吧!
The other day, I happened to walk past a coffee shop in the Orchard area. It was a rare occasion that I have some time to spare, so I decided to order a cup of my favorite black coffee. Whilst sitting down and savoring the drink, I asked my disciple to immediately point out to me the most serious Feng Shui flaw in the shop.
The answer, given by my disciple, fell short of my expectation.
I set a high standard for my disciples. They must have astute and fast observations of a place and a person and not be hesitant or sprouting nonsense. Assessing the Feng Shui of a place is not only about using the Feng Shui compass. I always remind my disciples that they may have many second chances with me but when they strike out on their own, if they dispense the wrong Feng Shui advice and get into trouble for bringing harm to others, how many people will give them a second chance?
In between sips of the aromatic coffee, I pondered if I should advise the shop owner and point him in the right direction. The potential of this shop space had yet to reach its peak and it seemed a pity not to tap on its ability to rake in more business. But from the look of it, the person-in-charge was not around that day. Oh well, the affinity has yet to ripen.
My dear fans and readers, can you tell what is the most serious Feng Shui flaw in this establishment?