和陽光約會吧!Let’s Have A Date With The Sunshine!
In my previous article titled “Looking Towards The Sun”, I wrote about my love for the sun. The sun radiates hope, prosperity and energy for many people. Look at those outdoor athletes and their beautiful tan. It totally exudes an image of good health and positivity. People from ancient times lived their lives according to the daily cycle of the Sun. They rose in the morning to work, and retired for rest, once the Sun set in the evening. They were healthy, enjoyed a long life and were generally free from sickness. On the other hand, those of you today who do not get much of the sun seem to have poorer health disposition.
The summer heat may be blistering but this is the only season in a year that makes one feel prosperous. All things bloom in Spring and are at their best in Summer. Like the flowers that awaken in Spring but bloom at its brightest in Summer, fighting to be the best among the rest. Oranges from California are renowned because of the ample sunlight they received. Fruits from South Africa are fantastic also due to the same reason!
In the Chinese metaphysics subject of destiny analysis, you need a strong grasp of the flow and ebb in each of the four seasons, in order to be accurate in your readings to identify the favorable elements as well as the strength of a person’s birth chart. Summer is naturally represented by the fire element. It characterizes a diligent and constant strive for improvement as well as a strong personality. In a day consisting of 24 hours, the Hour of Horse, which is between 11am to 1pm, is the period when your body metabolism and mental capacity are at their peak. Do not waste this time by running off to bed!
All living things in this world, including human beings, need sunlight. In the absence of light comes darkness. Negative issues that arise from darkness are unthinkable. Our friends who are blind can surely testify to that. Sunlight gives us protection and a healthy glowing skin and outlook etc. Ah, it is such a blessing. Let’s quickly fix a date with the sunshine!
Photo credit: Google