讓愛繼續Let the Love Flows on
佛清楚地告訴我們祇要有人的地方,就會有是非。看來要找一處清淨之地,唯有深山幽谷了。難道別無辦法?是的。除非人與人不開口說話,因為嘴的上唇是是,下 唇是非,很少很少不會有是非的啊!也就因為如此,孔聖人才說非禮勿言,言多必失也。吾也常勸請徒弟學生們,少說話多做事,尤其是持咒多唸佛。
國與國的戰爭,人與人的衝突,是因為沒有愛。倘若真有愛,妳你又何忍見到她他人痛苦,妳你卻無動於衷的,自掃門前雪。很多人以為,唯有西方信仰,才提倡愛 的。千萬別孤陋寡聞,不是祇有西方信仰,才提倡愛的。咱們東方信仰也提倡愛呀!比如道家、儒家皆教我們,要仁人愛物,己達而達人,己立而立人。
其實啊!佛教更是教導我們,不可有分別心,要有包容心,要學自她他互換法,這樣就能成就無我,是名符其實的大愛。我們也不要老是說,很難很難的啦!就是因 為難,才叫難能可貴啊!有愛自然能化干戈為玉帛,有愛世間才能祥和、才能欣欣向榮。真愛的力量,如此之大,大家就同心協力,讓愛繼續。
Lord Buddha has said clearly that there are bound to be gossips and rumors, as long as there are humans around. It seems that only in the deepest mountains and the most isolated valleys can one find a truly pristine, pure and untainted place. Is there no other way? Yes, Unless man stops talking to one another. The upper lip of the mouth is like a “yes” and the lower lip is like a “no”, so once the common man starts talking, it would be very rare indeed if there is no gossip or untruth. And that is why the sage Confucius says “Do not speak in a manner not in accordance to rites”, as he that talks much is bound to err. I constantly remind my students to talk less, and do more, especially for mantra recitation.
You might think that the title of this article probably has nothing or little to do with the above-mentioned analect of Confucious. It does not seem to make any sense! Not true, think about this, many disputes and misunderstandings arise from our speech. Those who has not began any spiritual cultivation lacks the stillness and wisdom to differentiate the good and bad, the right and wrong, the black and white. As soon as one does not like what was being said by another, anger arises and the consequences may be unthinkable.
The battles between countries and the conflicts between fellow men, all these happen because there is a lack of love. If there is love among us, how could you bear to see others in pain and yet not lift a finger to help? Many people mistook that only western religions promote the concept of love. In actual fact, the oriental religions advocate the same as well! For example, Taoism and Confucianism teach us to be benevolent towards fellow beings, to be a man who lead others to achievements he wishes for himself and bring others to reach goals which he wish to achieve for himself.
Actually, the Dharma even taught us equanimity. We are taught to be tolerant and always put ourselves in the shoes of others. These morals will aid us in achieving the state of “No Self”, and truly make us capable of noble love. We should stop whining that such state of mind is tough to achieve. Yes it is tough but that is exactly why they are precious qualities! Only love can resolve all the differences that exist between men and nations. Only love can bring about peace, harmony and prosperity to this world. This is the power of true love. Let us work together, hand in hand, and let this love flows.