都市夜歸人Late-Night City Dwellers
我們都曉得,有些職業是需要夜歸的。這些職業如: 服務業、醫療業、飲食業,等等。服務業當中的,酒店業及一些夜間娛樂場所,這些都市夜歸人,祝願妳你們能有機緣,觀讀此文章,從中領取保障自己,及家人的「靈丹妙藥」。我們都是陽居人,所吸的,所食的,皆以「陽」性為主,這自不在話下。談到吸「陽性」的空氣,那如何才是陽性的空氣?古時候的人們,日出而做,日落而息,這就是吸陽性的氣,規律的做息。
The times today has changed. The bustling city night life with neon lights in a riot of colours, and the rich variety of entertainment options have many people, who are unwilling to stay lonesome, often singing “I am not coming home tonight”. Therefore, regardless if they work in the night shift or regular hours, more and more people are becoming late-night city dwellers. The occasional dinner gatherings with some good friends to catch up are inevitable. But if one can make use of such opportunities to pay some attention to the social problems, and team up to do charity together, such gatherings will take on a deeper meaning.
Problems caused by excessive Yin energy
We all know that some occupations requires getting off work late. Such professions are in the industries of service, medical care, food and beverage, etc. I hope the late-night city dwellers working in the service industry, especially those in the hotel and night entertainment establishments, will have the affinity to read this article and extract the “elixir” from within to protect yourselves and your families. We are all Yang beings. What we breathe in and consume should primarily be Yang in nature. This is an indisputable fact. Let’s talk about breathing in air of Yang nature, what exactly is that? In ancient times, people started their day as the sun rises, and rest upon sunset. This is the natural order of life and way to absorb Yang air and energy.
Late-night city dwellers are virtually not able to breath or absorb air of Yang nature. If your own birth chart does not exhibit sufficient Yang nature, or if you do not consume enough food of Yang nature, you are bound to suffer from two common ailments i.e. cold and flu, as well as migraine. There are actually more ailments which I do not intend to divulge as I think the above 2 illnesses are already quite tortuous for you. Ha ha ha!
How to get rid of Yin energy and take in more Yang energy
All these ailments are a direct result of absorbing excessive Yin energy. I have one good way of absorbing Yang energy and resisting the Yin for your consideration. Find out your favorable element(s) from your birth chart, and get a string of chanting beads made of material of your favorable element, to wear on your wrist. Please pay attention to this: chanting beads are named as such because they are meant for you to recite the Buddha Name and chant the mantras daily. If you fail to do that, you shall continue to be a late-night city dweller, burdened with Yin energy.