《以茶會友》第四場:中元節的正知July Tea Session Recap: The Right Knowledge of the Seventh Lunar Month
一、 爲什麽應該拜祭好兄弟,而事後人生會更「順」?
二、 盂兰盆节的源起: 神通敵不過業力的領悟!
三、 菩薩畏因,衆生畏果,要做錯事前,先想清楚!
四、 玳瑚師父十五年前乘坐渡輪出海,就已驚覺地獄實有!
五、 這世間上真有鬼!
六、 人怕鬼三分,鬼怕人七分,但爲何有形的物體抵擋不了無形?
七、 我們又如何能保護自己,不沾鬼氣?
八、 民間的中元普度活動如酒席和歌台表演,有何不妥?
九、 農曆七月後,地球漸漸變陰。
十、 家裏的哪一處最容易陰氣聚集?如何解決?
十一、 家中供奉神明的必要
十二、 神位安得對,天天都進財!
十三、 禍也是意念勾招來的,口說修行不如修意念!
十四、 為什麽去廟拜拜不一定能得到保佑?
十五、 一片土地在挖掘的時候,就是磁場大動的時候。
十六、 什麽時間去拜祭「好兄弟」最不易沖犯?
十七、 拜祭「好兄弟」的供品和如法的儀軌
十八、 拜祭「好兄弟」是盡孝也是慈悲的演化。
十九、 後代子孫不如意,問題出現在哪裏?
二十、 在有生之年就要學會「放下」,一切都是暫時而已。
二十一、 子女本來就不是我們的,沒有孩子代表你沒有這個業障。
二十二、 用數珠念佛持咒,就是要把精神集中在一點。
二十三、 每天都要累積功德,不要等到要的時候才猛唸!
As soon as the 4th Tea Session commenced, Master Dai Hu asked all the participants their reasons for attending the session that night. He then praised everyone for their right decision. There was one participant who rushed to the session straight off an airplane as soon as it landed at Changi Airport! His thirst for knowledge and desire to be near a wise and virtuous teacher was definitely as a role model for others.
The Right Knowledge of the Seventh Lunar Month:
1. Why should you pay respect and offerings to the hungry ghosts? And why will your life journey be much smoother after the offering ritual?
2. The origin of the Ullambana Festival: Master Dai Hu’s realization that supernatural powers are no match for the force of Karma.
3. The Bodhisattvas fear the causation of sufferings, while sentient beings dread the sufferings without thinking of the cause. Please think thrice before committing any wrong!
4. Master Dai Hu discovered the truth of Hell’s existence, some 15 years ago while out in the deep sea on a cruise!
5. There are truly ghosts in this world!
6. As the Chinese saying goes, “Humans are afraid of the spirits, but the spirits are even more fearful of humans”! But why is the physical form no match for the “invisible” form?
7. How can we protect ourselves and not be tainted by the ghostly energy from the spirits?
8. What is inappropriate with activities like banquets and stage performances (“getai”) commonly held, during Seventh Lunar Month?
9. The Yin energy of Earth will increase gradually as the Seventh Lunar Month passed.
10. Which area of a house accumulates the most Yin energy? What can you do about it?
11. The necessity of having an altar for worship at home.
12. An altar, when enshrined correctly, brings in wealth everyday!
13. Your thoughts attract your misfortune. Rather than talking about spiritual practice, start the practice on your thoughts!
14. Why do you not necessarily get the blessings you prayed for at the temple?
15. The energy field of a piece of land becomes greatly disturbed when it is being dug.
16. When is the safest time to make offering to the “good brothers” (wandering spirits), without clashing with their Yin energies?
17. The proper rites and offerings when making offering to the “good brothers” (wandering spirits).
18. Making offerings to the “good brothers” (wandering spirits) is both an act of filial piety as well as compassion.
19. Where does the problem lies when the descendants are not prospering?
20. You must learn to let go while you are still alive, for everything is transient and temporary.
21. Our children do not belong to us, therefore having no descendant signifies the absence of such karmic hindrance.
22. The purpose of using chanting beads when reciting the Buddha’s Name or mantras is to strengthen your singular focus.
23. Merits should be accumulated on a daily basis, and chanting should not be done in a spurt during moments of crisis!
As the session came to a close, Master Dai Hu made time to answer the questions of all participants, equipping them with better knowledge of this offering practice that would benefit both the living and the deceased. Out of compassion, Master Dai Hu empowered and blessed the hand-worn prayer beads of a participant, helping her better resist negative energies around her. Before leaving, all participants thanked Master Dai Hu for the extremely beneficial session!