七月份茶會-中元節的正知July Tea Session – The Right Knowledge Of Hungry Ghost Festival
中國乃世界古老國家之一。在這泱泱大國,當然有好些不同族群,分佈在國內不同的省域,自然而然也就延伸出不一樣的風俗及習俗,於眾多的節慶裡。在我們華人社會裡,為數不少的人,中元節一到,依然對這節慶,產生諸多避忌與猜忌。為了讓大家除去多年心中的惶恐,以及對這重大節慶深層意識得以正知,玳瑚師父將再次在泛島太平洋大酒店細解及教導大家如何在中元節祭祀無形衆生。這也是佛教所教導的冥陽兩利 – 陽居人跟陰居人互利。不要以為這是一個天方夜譚的行爲。無形本來就充斥我們的周圍,無形甚至比人多出無數倍。在無形當中,有妳你們多世的祖先靈,所以這祭祀其實是教妳你們一種追思和孝道,跟尊重所有生命的靈體,從中取得一種互利。
日期: 2015年7月9日,星期四
時間: 8pm-1030pm
地點: Marketplace Cafe, Pan Pacific Hotel Singapore, Marina Square
餐飲自費,除此以外,沒有額外收費。欲想出席者,請自行發短訊給李助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。這將是個小型的茶會,名額有限,請儘早報名。若無法為您留位,請您見諒。到時見!
China is one of the few ancient civilizations in the world. Within this vast land lies many different ethnic groups, spread across various provinces in the country. This huge diversity also meant different cultures, traditions and festivals. In a Chinese society, many people tend to avoid the Hungry Ghost Festival with doubts and treat it like a taboo.
In order to remove this unfounded fear and suspicion of the Hungry Ghost Festival in your mind, and to enrich yourself with the correct knowledge and essence of this festival, Master Dai Hu will be conducting a Tea Session at Pan Pacific Hotel to teach the proper rites of paying respect and making offering to the spirits during the Hungry Ghost Festival.
This is in accordance with the Buddha’s teaching of bringing benefits to both the living and deceased. Please do not think of this as a ridiculous myth or old wives‘ tale. In reality, we are surrounded by spirits and they outnumber us humans by many folds. Among them are your ancestors of many generations and from your past lives. The offering rites impart the knowledge of showing remembrance and filial piety to the ancestors, and respect for all spiritual existence. Hence, performing the rites is mutually beneficial for both the living and the dead.
Date: 9 July 2015, Thursday
Time: 8pm-1030pm
Venue: Marketplace Cafe, Pan Pacific Hotel Singapore, Marina Square
Food and drinks will be at your own expense. There shall be no other fees imposed for this event. For those keen in attending, kindly send a text message to my assistant at +65 90212098 to reserve your seats. As I wish to keep the session personal, seats will be limited. I seek your kind understanding should you be unable to secure a seat. See you!