開開心心持咒唸佛Joyful Recitation of The Bodhisattva’s Name & Mantra
提到祂,不能不提到祂的心咒,而這心咒是西藏人共同提倡唸誦的「六字大明真言」。 這咒不只是這麽簡單拿來持誦而已。在和別人說完佛法的時候,妳你也可以唸上這句「嗡嘛尼唄咪吽」。 因爲這個咒是代表光明和圓滿,也就是說妳你所說的佛法,對方能得到光明的加持,圓滿智慧的灌溉,那妳你本身也圓滿了妳你的功德,所以是有很多很多的意義。這個咒,就如我所說的,是光明咒,是專門來破除黑暗的。當妳你持到最后,妳你的心自然而然就會流露出一種光明。這光明就會破除妳你累世的無明,而得到佛慧。這時候,就是一種開悟,一種明心,再修下去就見性,見性了,才是真正的得證成佛。
This coming Saturday, 31st October or the Nineteenth Day of the Ninth Lunar Month, celebrates the Renunciation Day of the world-renowned Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (or more commonly known as Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa). In fact, this Bodhisattva is not just known to Buddhists only. As long as there are Chinese people in that region, they will not be stranger to this Bodhisattva. Even the non-Chinese foreigners are aware, because the Bodhisattva’s great compassion and mercy are really captivating. These qualities should be modeled by all Buddhists as a way of Truth.
The Amazing Prowess of the 6-Syllable Mantra
On this upcoming Renunciation Day of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, you may either recite His Name or chant His Mantra, as the merits are similar. But Master Dai Hu, according to my lineage teachings, feels that you ought to do both, reciting His Name and chanting His Mantra. The Buddha’s Name is like the collar of your shirt, while the mantra is the shirt itself. If you choose either one of them, it would meant the shirt becomes incomplete. The Buddha’s Name is akin to calling out for Him, while the mantra is to directly touch His heart and invoke His divine intervention to save you or help you fulfill your wish. Therefore, both the Buddha’s Name and His Mantra are equally important and should be respected and chanted.
How to cultivate the practice of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva for multiplied merits!
On this day, if you perform a session of the spiritual practice of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, your merits would be multiplied! At home, first brush your teeth and take a bath, after which you may position yourself in front of the altar, or any clean area in the house (with the exception of your bed), facing the statue or portrait of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Respectfully chant “Namo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Mo He Sa” or “Om Mani Pad Mae Hum” 1080 times or 108 times. If time permits, you may chant the Name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva followed by the mantra, and dedicate the merits to your ancestors so that they may ascend to the Pure Land, or to your family members so that they may encounter swift resolution to their problems. Of course, you can also dedicate the merits back to yourself. But remember, please be clear in your merits dedication and focus it on only one wish.
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is renowned for His Compassion and Mercy. To cultivate a spiritual practice based on His teachings on this day would definitely provide the impetus to remove any misfortune. Eradicating misfortune or karmic obstacled must come first, before any good fortune in the form of Love and Respect, and Wealth, can present itself to you.

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October 2015 Tea Session Recap: The Power of Your Home