地靈人傑Great people are from remarkable places
一, 是佛菩薩的意思;二, 履行我要弘揚佛法和玄學的發願;三,一份貢獻給三寶和衆生。
一, 名聲不好,信眾稀少;
二, 捐款不足,無法維持開銷;
三, 人事紛爭,無法成辦事情;
四, 來共修者,道心難堅固;
五, 法務發展,坎坎坷坷,諸多阻擾;
六, 工作人員,健康與精神每況愈下;
附上的照片是一幅文殊師利菩薩的曼陀羅。 八大菩薩中,文殊師利菩薩以智慧第一聞名。玄學是上天憐
Last Thursday, I visited a Buddhist cultivation center to do a Feng Shui audit at no charge.
Why? You may ask. For 3 good reasons:
1. It is a directive from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
2. It is a fulfillment of my vow to propagate the Dharma and the Chinese Metaphysics.
3. It is my offering to the Three Jewels (the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha) and the sentient beings.
The Feng Shui of this place is poor. It is heartening to know that the person-in-charge believes in the use of Feng Shui to better aid the propagation of the Dharma. Had I not have the affinity to visit, the future development of cultivation center is unthinkable.
Typical problems that will besiege a place of worship with poor Feng Shui:
1. Poor reputation with very few worshippers
2. Insufficient incoming donation to cover operating expenses
3. Constant conflicts among the members, hindering the operation of the place
4. Shaky faith among worshipers
5. Multiple challenges hampering the progress of Dharma propagation
6. Degeneration of the physical and mental health of the staff
Can you imagine how wasteful that all the efforts and resources are going down the drain because of poor Feng Shui?
Why are some places famed (for the better or worse) for having wealthy millionaires, widows, celebrities, academics, gangsters, twins etc? It is predominantly down to the ground energy in the land formation. A land with poor ground energy and formation is not capable of producing men and women of high calibre. It is but a waste land and a waste land only yields weeds of mediocre people who will not practice, much less propagate, the Dharma. In ancient times, our great Buddhist and Taoist masters seeked their own private retreats for their spiritual practices. These enclaves in the deep mountains were gems, harnessing the positive energy from the land and greatly accelerating the progress of these masters. Without this ground energy, years of diligent cultivation would have come to a naught.
It is not by chance that in Singapore, Orchard Road, the Istana, NUS and Kong Meng San Phor Khar See Monastery are all located on land with very powerful energies underneath.
A place with good Feng Shui can produce men and women of kindred souls and good consciences, who will enjoy the practice and accelerate propagation of the Dharma. As the Chinese saying goes, we need to be at the Right Place, with the Right People and at the Right Time. The power of geomancy creates the ‘Right Place’ condition and it is a great pity and shame if we fail to harness this to aid the propagation of the Dharma.
The photo attached with this post shows a Mandala with the Manjusri Bodhisattva, renowned for His transcendent wisdom, in the center. The Chinese metaphysics is an ancient wisdom bestowed by the Heaven, out of empathy, to aid sentient beings in improving their lives. May His sword of wisdom cuts away the ignorance of sentient beings, so that more can realize the true gem in utilizing Feng Shui to aid Dharma propagation.

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