一場遊戲罷了It Is Only A Game
三年前原已半退休的吾,著實讓人驚訝及不知所措。驚訝是因為吾「還年輕」,心情也很定,不該「告老還鄉」。不知所措乃吾很早就已成 為多戶家庭的家庭醫生及家庭師父,她他們一有事就立馬「飛鴿傳書」,來電的意思,尋求吾快而有效的援助。相信是長年累月的依賴,所以她他 們有以上所述之的反應,是可以理解的。
每個人似乎早已根據累世種種的「業蹟」,分配好角色與戲份,然後在好無準備的情況下,粉墨登場。從童年的喜戲不成眠,少年時的飯來 張口,衣來伸手,錢拿了就走,青年時的愛在夕陽下,職場闖蕩,壯年時的成家立業,老年的偶爾憒忘,晚年的搖搖晃晃,最後的掛在牆上。這樣 的戲份算是不錯的了,有些被分配的角色是一出場就被親生父母給殺了(墮胎),有些則一出場就殘缺,有些則一出場,就患先天性疾病,被人們 鄙視,終生鬱鬱寡歡。
在人生的旅途上,被欺負、被鄙視、被謾罵、被打壓、被批評,或不公平地對待等等,到哪裏都有。為什麼會這樣?因為這裡是人間。有修 沒修的,全部混合在一起,自然而然有上等及下等人啊!有修的就繼續精進努力,沒修的就早點起修吧!至少妳你下次出場,不用一出場就死,也 不用一出場就病入膏肓,懂嗎?
職場中的暗箭難防,官場中的狐假虎威、紙醉金迷,商場中的妳你欺我詐,都是頑迷眾生的自尋煩惱遊戲罷了!睿智的人是不會與其同流合 污的,更不用為之黯然神傷,反應常提醒自己,那祇是一場遊戲罷了。
It was quite a surprise to many when I announced my semi-retirement 3 years ago. They were shocked because I was still young, barely of retirement age, and of stable emotion, thus should not be calling it quits so soon. They were also quite lost as many of them regarded me as their family ‘doctor, and adviser whom they would ring as soon as they needed my swift and effective assistance. I guessed they have grown very reliant on me, thus their reaction upon knowing my intention to semi-retire.
It seems that everyone has been allocated a specific role and ‘air-time’ according to their karma accumulated over eons lifetimes. They took to the stage in total unawareness. From unbridled joy and sleepless nights during childhood, to the teenage years where they took for granted the daily meals and money, and onto young adulthood where they basked in the temptations of career and romance. This is followed by raising a family in their prime before the eventual decline into old-age forgetfulness. Their last act would end with a photo of themselves hanging on the wall, if anyone bothers to remember them. It would be quite lucky if you get to ‘act’ in these roles. The unlucky ones would not even survive the first scene, being killed by their own parents through abortion. Some start with physical disabilities or congenital illnesses resulting in them being despised and having little joy in their lives.
In the long journey of life, it is inevitable to be subjected to bully, verbal abuse, criticism, discrimination, pressure or unfair treatment. And you see this everywhere. Why is that so? It is because you are in the human realm where there are people of varying spiritual levels, thus you will meet people of different caliber. For those of you who have started your spiritual cultivation journey, please keep up the diligence. For those of you who still have not started, please do so fast. At least your next appearance in this ‘theater of life’ would not be short-lived, or fraught with illness. Do you understand?
The politics and back-stabbing at work, the intimidation and hedonistic lifestyle in officialdom as well as the deceits in the commercial world are games played by deluded sentient beings, inviting troubles and sufferings for themselves. The wise men would not be in the mix with the fools, and definitely not affected spiritually. Instead, the wise ones are constantly reminding themselves that this farce is all but a game.
Photo credit: Digital Journal