妳你家的地神開心嗎?Is The Earth God at Your Home Happy?
自己的地神歡喜與否,其實自心的覺受是可以很清楚明白的。在外在上,妳的生活安逸,妳的事業或生意訂單增加,就是地神直接給予妳的一種回報。又或者,那時 候,妳的心情或身體健康都處在一個良好的水平。這些都是祂的回報跟開心的顯示。祂如果接受妳的法供養,祂會升格,妳在現實生活中,也會升格,如升職、加 薪。
但想得到這些,就看妳修法供養是否如法而定。如法當中包括妳是否吝嗇,對神明的慷慨與否。妳要求一個屋子,妳當然不可能只燒一叠四方金而已。這是不可能的 事情。一箱四方金還差不多,或至少二十叠還說得過去。妳要求每天都能有一個訂單,每天能做到一樁生意,那妳起碼每天都要化一叠四方金和一叠冥鈔。妳一直都 有嗎?
妳丟什麽給宇宙,宇宙就會丟什麽給你。 如果妳只是初一十五才供,那就繼續「等下去」吧!
Some time back, a reader left a comment on my website, after reading my article “The Deity Nearest To Us“. She asked how to know if the Earth God at her home was happy with her offerings and how she could connect with the Earth God.
Below is my reply:
Whether the Earth God at your home is happy or not, you yourself should have a clear idea. On the exterior, these are manifested as stability and peace in your daily life, and increased prosperity in your career or business. This is a direct way of the Earth God rewarding you. In another instance, you may experience a good level of emotional and physical health consistently. These are His ways of repaying you and showing happiness. When the Earth Deity accepts your sutra and mantra offerings, His rank in the spiritual realm will advance and so will yours in the mortal world. You will see career promotions and salary increments, coming your way.
But for the above to come true, your offering and cultivation rites must be in accordance with the Dharma. This also takes into account your degree of generosity in making offerings to the deities. If you pray and wish for a house, you would not just burn one stack of Four-direction Gold joss paper to the Earth Deity. That will be very unrealistic. It would be more appropriate to offer a whole carton, or at least 20 stacks, of the Four-direction Gold joss paper. If you wish to close a deal or have at least one order for your business daily, at the very least, you should be burning one stack of Four-direction Gold joss paper and one stack of the Netherworld money notes on a daily basis. Have you been consistently been doing so?
You asked to know the way to connect with the Earth God. Have you ever given it serious thought on the actual how-to? What are you requesting for from the Earth God? For a better life? And what does it take for you to have a better life? Would it be money that you wish for? Since you already know that the Earth God is capable of blessing you with wealth, Gods of Wealth are known to be very generous. Question is, are you generous?
What you give out to the Universe, the Universe will return the favour. If you make offerings only on the First and Fifteenth Day of the Lunar Month, then your wait shall continue.