命運真的是注定?Is Fate Really Destined?
命運真的是注定? 是真的。那……有改命的方法嗎?是有的。世上就有一本
每個人都想平安、快樂過日子,這是不可能的。 不可能是因爲我們都有累世的業障。若這業障不除去,就好
原文 – http://www.liaotuo.org/
白話 – http://www.liaotuo.org/
Is Fate really pre-destined? Yes, it is. Then…is there any way to change it? Yes, there is.
There is a book in this world that depicts the life of a man whose fate had determined that he was to be without a wife, wealth, descendants and social status. Based on real life, this book illustrated the way to change the regrettable imperfections in our destiny and how a man changed his destiny from having nothing to achieving success in his life. This book, titled The Four Lessons of Liao Fan, is hard to come by and a great book that inspires kindness.
I studied the Dharma for over 10 years and certainly know the ways to create our own destinies. In my knowledge of ways to define our own destinies, some are similar to the those written in the book The Four Lessons of Liao Fan. That is why I strongly recommend this book to you and sincerely wish everyone to have the bliss, freedom and peace that I enjoy.
Everyone wishes for peaceful and blissful days. This is impossible because of our accumulated negative karma from our previous lives. If this karma is not cleared, it is akin to a dark cloud blocking the sun. No, it should be described like being in a dark valley starved of sun light.
To read the book online:
English – http://venchinkung.com/