人比鬼更可怕Humans are More Frightening than Ghosts
這裡就披露幾則發生在吾及吾衆多客人身上的真實事情,讓你妳們參考,人的「人性」,何為不鮮明。有位弟子的父親,爲了要讓其子國外攻讀碩士學位,毅然將賣屋的錢,圓其兒子的「夢」。這兒子的「夢」是圓了,可是至今仍然沒有感恩的心、盡孝父母、回饋社會,反而還跟父親慪氣、冷戰,甚至自私自利地不管父母弟妹的未來生死問題。養兒防老,看來是養兒煩惱啊!哀哉其父。記得最初見這位弟子時,着實有點驚嚇。因其臉相有如「惡人谷」出來的。但吾依然收他為徒,希望他能夠認真學佛,清除累世的業障及現世心中的垃圾。吾的天真卻忘了「相由心生」這句話。後來他果然常犯戒,更嚴重的是,他既然不把戒律放在眼裏 ,一錯再錯,如今罪如山、過如海,再不速速懺悔重新受戒,恐怕悔時已晚。
I wrote an article about the Hungry Ghost Festival around the same time last year. Even though the festival has passed, I am still going to introduce the less known sides of a human and a spirit.
As I approached the half century mark in my life, as part of my job scope, I have interacted with countless number of people. Thus I possess a thorough appreciation of the human nature. Frankly speaking, I am more afraid of a human than a ghost. The human nature is not pure. When I helped a person, I do not expect him to return any favour. Instead I will be glad if this person does not turn around and harm me. I believe many of you would resonate with my sentiments.
Here, I shall divulge some stories which happened to people around me, to allow you a closer examination of the human nature which is primarily clouded. One of my students got his dreams of overseas studies fulfilled when his father sold their home and raised enough funds. This student had his wish but remains an utter ingrate, one who is unfilial to his parents and does not bother with contribution to the society whatsoever. Instead, he scoffed at his father, is constantly at odds with him and sports a selfish attitude towards the spiritual mortality issues of his parents and siblings. To raise a son to guard against old age? Seemed to me like ‘to raise a son to give you more troubles at old age!’ I pity the father. I remembered the first day I met this student and was slightly shocked. His face resembled that of a villain from the fictional notorious Bandits Valley. But I still took him in as my disciple, hoping he will change by learning the dharma and eradicating the bad karma and all the filthy thrash from his heart. Alas, I was naive to ignore that a person’s appearance stems from his very heart. In the end, he flouted all the precepts, belittled them even and continued his errant ways. Now, his bad karma has accumulated as high as the highest mountains, and as deep as the deepest seas. If he does not repent now, I am afraid it will be too late.
Another student was jobless for some time, despite having a Masters. I got to know of it and immediately applied the principles of metaphysics on him and eventually landed him his current high post job. In addition, I endowed upon him actual knowledge of Buddhism and the basics of metaphysics in hope that he will see the truth of life and understand the different levels of merits. Till today, whenever he comes for my lessons, I would hear new complaints, grudges or new desires. (A grateful person is not prone to complaining.) I thought to myself, he is a guy, a man alright, but he is so full of complaints, just like a vengeful woman! Amituofo! It is not easy to be born a man. Does he really want to be a woman instead? To receive kindness from others yet does not reciprocate, coupled with frequent lies and complaints, if this carries on, he will lose his human form in his next life. The three lower realms awaits. Please wake up urgently!
A client called me, wanting to an analysis of her birth chart to be done. I asked her for the reason. She replied saying she needed help to look for a new job due to her current job dissatisfaction. She helped her manager with good intention but yet ended up being a ‘marked’ person. She felt it was not worth staying on. As the Chinese saying goes ‘the dog that bit Master Lu Dong Bin does not realise his kind heartedness’. Another client, a beautiful flight attendant, got me to audit the Feng Shui of her house in a bid to save her crumpling marriage, due to her husband’s infidelity. She wished for a baby to complete the family. With my help, she got her wish. I feel that being unfaithful is akin to losing one’s focus. To diligently keep oneself focused is the key to a blissful marriage.
Ghosts, on the other hand, are much clearer and more direct in their intentions. As long as you have helped a spirit before, the spirit would be sure to repay your kindness, unlike humans with their warped psyche. Do not expect a fellow human to repay your kindness all the time. You would be lucky if he or she does not return your favour with malice! Thus I feel that a human is far more sinister than a spirit. Don’t you think so? Ha ha ha!