玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


天公玉皇大天尊Heavenly Jade Emperor


我在馬來西亞出差時,看到很多家庭供奉天公,但在新加坡甚少。 現代人不明白天公的尊貴和慈悲,觀念越來越沒落,別説一個神位,就連一個小小的香爐都沒有。 祖先修的福報若不夠,後代要興旺,難也。

供奉神明要懂得怎樣地供奉,不懂就要去問懂得人。 不要教導錯,以誀傳誀,亂亂地供,拜的不如法, 導致家裏不平安。 要虔誠地供,不要一昧地求橫財。 你福份累積夠了,財不請都會自到。


In my heart, I regard the Heavenly Jade Emperor akin to the ancient Buddha. Sadly, very few people bother to delve deep into the necessary research and hence, the deep discrimination between Buddhism & Tao.

When I was at Malaysia for work, I saw many families having altars of worship for the Jade Emperor, something hardly seen in Singapore. Many people of this modern age fail to understand the esteemed greatness and compassion of the Jade Emperor. With the rapid decline in religious values, we rarely see households having an altar of worship, much less a simple incense urn. If the ancestors fail to accumulate sufficient merits, prosperity will be hard to come by for the descendants.

Understand the do’s & don’ts when you wish to set up an altar of worship. Seek help from someone who knows, if you don’t. Do not listen to hearsay and pass on the wrong advice. Improper worship will create disharmony and problems in the household. Worship with a pious heart and refrain from constant praying for lottery luck. Once your merits are sufficient, wealth will find its own way to you.


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