頭痛與頭風Headaches & Migraines
三、水子靈(嬰靈 )的作祟。

Photo credit: 周書羽
During my childhood, I have heard people warning that it is best to avoid washing the hair at night. According to them, you become susceptible to headache or migraine if you wash your hair at night. At that time, I did not give much thought to this and questioned if this warning was a fact supported by evidence. I naturally chose to believe, rather than be sorry. Even till today, there are still people in doubt of this. Today, I believe this article will bring glad tidings to everyone as it stems from your very heart. Every problem that we face has its cause!
Causes of Normal Headaches
In our daily lives, I classify headaches into the following categories for your reference:
1. You staked heavily on the lottery but did not win.
2. Money is tight for you.
3. You have insufficient money for red packets distribution during the Lunar New Year.
If you think I am making jokes, you are both right and wrong. It would be my honour to have everyone’s laughter. However, the above 3 reasons are truly the source of headaches for some people. But such headaches are not that obvious. The pronounced headaches can result from the following:
1. Getting caught in a rain on a hot day, and not drying yourself in time.
2. Entering an air-conditioned room when you are still wet with sweat.
3. Consuming excessive heaty food and not balancing it with cooling food.
4. Wrong Feng Shui placement of the bed.
5. Working in a poor quality environment.
6. Wearing the wrong accessories, etc.
Invisible Causes of the Headaches that won’t go away
These causes of headache usually have a form, and they can be investigated and easily remedied. For causes with no physical forms, it can be tricky. According to my knowledge, these type of headaches should be treated as early as possible before more trouble sets in and they escalate into mental madness. That would be a sorry state. Below are some examples of such causes (with no physical forms), and only through an accomplished Master, with a thorough understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect, can help you.
1. Clash with negative energy or entity.
2. Karmic hindrances accumulated from previous lifetimes.
3. Disturbance by a fetal spirit(s).
Migraine is definitely more serious than a common headache. Migraines due to invisible causes are the worst. If you delay in seeking help, it might worsen and cause you to go mad. Beware, my friends. As for the question if it is unsuitable to wash your hair at night, the answer lies in your birth chart. Irregardless, a humble suggestion from Master Dai Hu: If you bathe or wash your hair at night, please make sure to dry it completely before going to bed