母親節快樂!Happy Mothers’ Day!
客人當中,有很多是媽媽級的。來找吾,往往因為她們關心老公的事業、孩子的成長、父母的健康和自己婚姻的保障等等。對於女性,吾是尊敬的,對於媽媽 們,吾更是讚嘆。吾觀很多母親是整個家庭的精神 支柱,甚至是主要的經濟來源。是別人的女兒、人家的妻子、孩子的保姆、家裡的持家女王、又是公司的全職員工,身兼多職,不容易。所以,媽媽們,請記得注意 飲食。有句話說的好,病從口入,很多問題是從口進來,所以一定要注意飲食。祝天下所有的母親身體健康、快樂幸福、母親節快樂!
Among my clients, there are many who are mothers. When they look for me, they are often concerned about the career of the husband, the growth development of their children, the health of their parents and the security of their marriage etc. I have great respect for women, especially for mothers who undoubtedly deserve the most praise. I observed that most mothers play a dominant role at home, often being the main mental support of the family and sometimes, the breadwinner of the household. It is definitely not easy to fill many shoes: a daughter, a wife, a nanny to the children, a housekeeper and a full-time staff of a company! Thus, I really hope all mothers out there pay more attention to their diet. As a Chinese saying goes, illness finds its way in by the mouth. So please watch out for the food that you eat. I wish all mothers good health and happiness. Happy Mothers’ Day!

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