善行增福慧Grow Your Merits & Wisdom Through Virtuous Deeds
有位女客人「大手筆」地買了十二本吾的新書《向善向上》。 在為她千金批八字時,她帶了這些書來請我簽名。看著眼前的「書塔」,吾才意會到這是平生第一次的「簽書會」啊!
那位女客人知道吾出書時,曾想出資贊助,卻被吾婉拒。爲了感謝她他們的支持,吾向她和她的先生進一步解説送善書給人的功德: 常買善書,與人爲善,來世善緣倍增,投生在書香子弟之家,能得到很高素質的教育。如果妳你很年輕就懂得這樣做,妳你這一世的孩子都會智慧超群,相貌莊嚴。
A female client generously bought 12 copies of my new book, Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment. During a Bazi consultation for her daughter, she brought the books and sought my autograph. Looking at the “Tower of Books” in front of me, it dawned on me that this is the first “signing session” of my life!
That was also the first time I saw my new book in real life. When the first batch was shipped to Singapore, I barely got a sniff at it and my disciple informed me that the books were all sold and mailed to the buyers. She even added, “Master, the sentient beings really need your book. Please wait for a few weeks. You will get to see the your new book very soon!”
The female client had wanted to sponsor the printing of my books but I turned down her offer. To thank her for her generosity, I further elaborated the merits of distribution virtuous books to her and her husband.
A person, who often buys virtuous books to give them as gifts, is blessed with many positive affinities. In the next life, he/she will be born into a scholarly family and receive a high-quality education. If you practice this generous act of giving at a young age, your children in this life will be exceptionally intelligent and possess looks of nobility.
No matter how luxurious and opulent a material present is, it cannot hold a finger to the revered, priceless and timeless wisdom of the Buddha, which can lead us towards liberation.
Jesus Christ was relentless in igniting the spiritual wisdom of the people. He sacrificed His life in order to atone for the sins of the sentient beings. That is his greatest Gift to mankind.
For twenty years and counting, I have dedicated my life to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. I was tireless in helping sentient beings overcome their problems and obstacles. At the same time, I pushed on with my efforts in teaching the Dharma and writing my articles. I only had one hope – that the people I cross path with will soon attain wisdom. This book, Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment, is my gift to all sentient beings, and my humble offering to my Root Guru.
We are not here in this world to create garbage, but to show sentient beings the right Path towards Light.
Today is Christmas Day. When you are merry-making, do not get carried away. Do not mistake the gatherings of family and friends as your good fortune. Fact is, you have just exhausted more of whatever fortune you have left. If you truly understand this, you will be asking yourself what you can do to accumulate more merits, to have a better 2016 or even turn your life around at this opportune moment.
The year of 2015 is going to be history soon. What is your Gift to your beloved family and friends? What is your Gift to yourself?
Thank you to the fans, readers and clients who texted me Christmas greetings. May the peace and joy of Christmas be in your hearts always.
I am very thankful that libraries of Singapore Changi Prison and National Library Board have accepted the donation of my new book, Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment! May I be able to bring the light of wisdom across thousands and hundreds of miles, to benefit the multitude of sentient beings.
The second print of Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment has arrived.
To purchase my book, please visit the site below. The selling price is inclusive of trackable shipping.
There will not be a third reprint. So do purchase early to avoid disappointment!
Singapore & international orders: www.masterdaihu.com/book-purchase-towards-kindness-towards-betterment/
Taiwan orders: www.pcstore.com.tw/elephantwhite/M21776062.htm