同修祈福 #2 - 《災難中的助力》Group Puja for Nepal Earthquake Victims

Photo credit: Kopan Monastery School
兩次致命的大地震後,尼泊爾仍不斷有餘震。這來臨的星期天,玳瑚師父將帶領一場同修,為尼泊爾地震的傷亡者祈福。 同修功德將回向給災難中的亡者能往生到更好的境界、失蹤者能早日被獲尋、尼泊爾不斷得到貴人相助,及一切救援工作順利無礙。
日期: 2015年5月17日,3pm – 530pm
地點: Toa Payoh HDB Hub
有意出席者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098。
After two deadly earthquakes, Nepal is still experiencing numerous aftershocks. This coming Sunday, Master Dai Hu will be leading a group puja session to pray for the Nepal Earthquake victims. The merits of this cultivation session will be dedicated to the better rebirth of the deceased, the successful location of the lost ones, Nepal having constant aid from benefactors and the smooth implementation of all rescue efforts.
Date: 17 May 2015, 3pm-530pm
Venue: Toa Payoh HDB Hub
Those who are keen to attend, please contact my assistant at +65 90212098.
Participants will benefit greatly as your ancestors, karmic debtors and fetus spirits will receive huge blessings from this prayer session! Let us come together for a meaningful purpose this Sunday!

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