安枕無憂Getting a Peaceful Sleep
一; 沒擇日安床。
二; 床位安錯了
In the course of my Feng Shui audits, I met numerous clients with issues like insomnia, poor sleep quality, migraine and dizziness. Has it got anything to do with Feng Shui? Yes, it definitely has some relation to the Feng Shui of your house.
The above-mentioned health issues stemmed from 2 reasons, namely:
1. Failure to choose an auspicious date and time for bed placement.
2. Wrong placement location of bed
Actually there is a third reason, and that concerns the law of cause and effect, or karma. This does not fall within the scope of Feng Shui, thus there is no need for further elaboration now. As long as you take note of the above 2 points when you position your bed, a peaceful and blissful sleep awaits you.
This article is titled “Getting a Peaceful Sleep” and it truly aims to impart the knowledge of getting a good and restful sleep, before progressing on improving the other aspects of our lives like marriage, children, wealth and career. It might not have occurred to everyone that the wrong placement of the bed not only affect your sleep quality, it also cast a negative effect on your spousal relationship, your ability to conceive, your career opportunities, your investment etc. How could an inauspicious bed position ever promote good health and assure a bright future for you? This is just wishful thinking only!
Master Dai Hu tells you truthfully that the bed position is the single most crucial Feng Shui component in your house. The reason being that we spend almost a third of our life in bed! I wish that you would be able to find a master with the ability to bestow upon you a peaceful sleep tonight.