借妳你呆看幾十年For Your Temporal Viewing Pleasure
妳你快樂嗎?妳你真的快樂嗎?妳你開心嗎?妳你真的開心嗎?妳你悲傷嗎?妳你憂愁嗎?無論快樂或悲傷,無論開心或憂愁, 妳你可會認認真真的靜下心來想一想,這些「覺受」都是和我們,形影不離、同生同死的。那既然是如此,我們又何必去執著這些與生俱來的「覺受」而讓它們變成 我們心靈昇華的障礙呢?
有人為了金錢,寧願不顧自己親生骨肉,去買較便宜的嬰兒車,差點導致其嬰孩「倒地不起」。有人貪睡,屢次遲到慈善活動。有人不守戒律,叛離自己的師父。有 人辛勤工作竟然是為了圓其不著邊際的「虛荣心」。有人死守她他那最終都不屬她他的「石頭」(名錶、金錶、金、銀、珠寶)。要認清這些真的是身外物,這些面 子、「石頭」、名位、地位等等,就是無形的枷鎖,無形的繩子,必須當機立斷的看破及放下。要不然,它一定將妳你綁的死死,絕無可能讓妳你快樂自在。
Are you happy? Are you really happy? Are you feeling joyous? Are you really feeling joyous? Or do you feel sad and sorrowful? Regardless if you are feeling happy or sad, joyous or sorrowful, have you ever given it a serious thought that these emotions are always with us, very much like our own shadows? If that is so, why do we hold on tightly to these innate emotions and allow them to obstruct our psychological progression?
My dear readers, Master Dai Hu has read countless people and discovered that many of them have not found their happiness and peace. The cause of it boils down to the fact that they have not realised that their worldly possessions are only temporal. Perhaps to you, the allure of wealth, fame, status, women, luxurious residences and cars, etc, may be hard to shake off. That is because the wisdom has not arose in you to see through the illusion, that these things are only temporal. If you are not careful, your attachment to worldly possessions can tarnish your fame and destroy your future, in some cases with no respite at all.
There was a person who bought a cheaper baby pram so as to save some money, resulting in the child incurring a fall. There was another person, whose craving for more sleep, resulted in him being late several times for charity events. There was yet another person who did not adhere to the precepts and walked out on his teacher. Some people worked tirelessly just to satisfy their unrealistic vanity dream. Some would guard over a ‘rock’ that would never belong to them. By ‘rock’, I am referring to material possessions like luxurious watches, gold watches, gold, silver, and precious stones. We must recognise that these possession never truly belong to us, and they are like invisible locks on us. We must decisively break these locks of attachments before they tighten their grip on us and making it impossible to achieve happiness and peace.
My dear readers, Master Dai Hu often hear the cries from your heart, “I yearn for freedom, I want happiness.” If you are not able to see clearly the illusions of life, you will never taste true freedom and happiness. In the eyes of the wise and enlightened ones, fame, social status, the ‘rocks’, good looks, physical figures, etc, are only for your gawking for just that few decades.