很久以前,吾就勸請一些有外表煩惱的女客人,多多供花給佛菩薩,或諸神明。在因果循環的定義中,她們的外表煩惱,將會迎刃而解,飛上枝頭變鳳凰。可惜有些偏是守財奴,有些則過於現實,多年後再相逢,其外表煩惱不但沒解,反而還「更勝一籌」。大家要知道,不是每一次都能碰到玳瑚師父的,也不是每一個人的「命水」,單憑一罐「夏士蓮雪花膏」,就能省去昂貴的美容費,還得到多人投以羨慕的眼光,佳評如潮,大踏步地走進公司,走在街道上,後面播著《Uptown Girl》,或《Pretty Woman》,等電影原聲帶,羨煞旁人。
花,它本身也是我們拜神拜佛,或是拜祖先及亡者必備的供品之一 。當中一樣有其學問和密義,知之功德更圓滿,可向有經驗師父討教。花在佛教的標準,及在基本五供中,也是不可缺少的。供了佛菩薩的花,加持了佛號或心咒,至少一百零八遍後,拋入水桶或浴缸裡。若擇日沐浴,可解除皮膚、鬼神病、官非、婚姻、人緣、生意、事業,等等問題。
Before I delved deep into Chinese Metaphysics, I used to assume that all ladies would love receiving flowers from men. After having in-depth knowledge of Chinese Metaphysics, I realize it was a misconception of mine. Master Dai Hu is a guy who loves flowers and plants. Oh I am sorry, I cannot use the word “guy” anymore. It should be “man”. Ha ha ha! I do not mind being old at all, because as I age, my life becomes more splendid, joyful and at ease.
The Easy & Natural Way To Have Beautiful Looks
A long time ago, I advised a few of my female clients who were bothered by their own physical appearances to make flower offerings to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas or Gods. In according with the Law of Cause and Effect, their woes, caused by their physical appearances, would be readily solved, and their appearances will take a turn for the better. However, it is a pity that some of these ladies are misers, and some are overly realistic. When I see them a few years later, instead of having a more beautiful appearance, their hate relationship with their looks has intensified. Now, please take note of this, not everyone has the affinity to meet Master Dai Hu every other day. Neither does everyone has the destiny to turn their “looks” around with just a jar of Hazeline Snow Moisturising Cream,save the huge expenses spent on their skincare and win many praises and glances of admiration from many others. Imagine walking with pride into your office, or along the streets, with soundtracks of “Uptown Girl” or “Pretty Woman” playing in the background, drawing envy and admiration from others.
What you can do with the flowers offered
Flowers are one of the necessary offerings when we pray to the Gods, Buddhas, the deceased or our ancestors. There is a field of knowledge and significance on flower offering, which can be learned from experienced masters, as that will complete your merits when practiced. In Buddhism, flowers are a essential component of the basic five offerings and are not to be omitted. After the flowers have been offered to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and empowered with at least 108 recitations of the Buddha’s name or heart mantra, you can throw them in a pail or a bath tub filled with water. If an auspicious date and time is chosen for the flower bath, you can be rid of skin problems, spiritual invasions, legal tussles, martial woes, interpersonal issues, business difficulties, career struggles, etc.
In certain countries, it is supposedly advisable not to accept certain dried flowers.