風水講座Feng Shui Masterclass
勘察了這麼多年,這麼多場的風水,是有一些感慨的。吾,玳瑚師父,是修行人,不願,不會也不可以「感情用事」。因此,吾就將過去、現在、未來,所經歷的人與事,用最優美的文字,呈獻於妳你們,祝願妳妳們觀讀吾文章時,就像久旱逢甘露,就像絲絲小雨,輕飄在妳你的臉上,就像溫暖的和風,迎面吹來,覺受是那麼的美,那麼的好,那麼的清涼。啊….! 感覺已經在風水講座裡。哈哈哈!
After so many years, and countless Feng Shui audits, I have some after-thoughts. Master Dai Hu is a spiritual practitioner. I cannot, will not and should not evaluate things based on emotions alone. Thus, I compiled my past, present and future experiences with the most melodious of words to present to you. I wish that as you read my articles, you will experience a deep sense of relief and awakening akin to the arid land receiving the first rain, or like the endless strands of rain gently caressing your face, or like a warm and comforting breeze into your face. What a pleasant and uplifting feeling. Ah… It felt like I am already in a Feng Shui Masterclass. Hahaha!
Bringing my spirit for life to you
I have been a leader in my own right for many years. The huge amount of cases I handled honed my accuracy and wisdom, and are a great fountain of inspiration for my writing. In fact, inspiration is everywhere around us in the heaven and earth. The writer must quieten his mind, the spiritual practitioner must have the ability to achieve singular focus. Only in such a state can the writer produce exhilarating work, instead of shallow articles lacking depth. The articles he produces shall benefit himself and others, leading them onto the path of sage hood. If this is not the desired outcome, there is really no point in writing, and we can forget about each other. Haha!
Significance behind my masterclass on the Mid-Autumn Festival
Seminars and workshops have become popular again the last few years, but Master Dai Hu is not someone who drift with the trend. I may end up drifting to no man’s land. Wouldn’t that be terrible? Therefore, I choose to set the trend instead of being a mere follower. My first ever Masterclass was held on my “birthday”, which falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, the Mid-Autumn Festival. This coincidence carries a great significance, and symbolises great success and completeness in every seminar I hold. The feedback for that first Masterclass was excellent, with comments that I did not seem like a first-timer, and that it combined both knowledge and entertainment. 100%! If you have your doubts, come and see for yourself.
Someone told me that I carry an aura of spiritual influence. I wish to let everyone know that these qualities occur naturally in the process of spiritual cultivation, and should never be confused as the end goals. Or you risk losing your sanity over that. Master Dai Hu’s Feng Shui Masterclasses will definitely encompass sincerity, practicality, effectiveness, and a fusion of knowledge and entertainment, all in one. A Feng Shui Masterclass of such extraordinaire, surely it would have piqued your interest. For not only would you wish to attend, you definitely would want to. And isn’t it “irritating” that I can read your mind?

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The Man Who Often Converses With the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas