天上的雲也愁Even The Clouds In The Sky Worry
很多年以前,有位同學感性的對吾說: 你知道嗎?天是會說話的。那時我們都很年輕,可是並無懷疑,他所說的這一番話,祇是當時的吾,沒有深入的去思維,天如何會說話。這位同學有位大伯,是一座佛寺的住持,所以他很早就有佛緣了。記得吾還有其他幾位同學,曾有機緣受他邀請,為其大伯住持的佛寺,出點力出點汗,吾感覺非常榮幸及快樂。

Photo credit: Jerry Wu
Many years ago, a classmate of mine asked me feelingly, “Did you know that the Heaven can speak to us?” We were young then, but I did not doubt him at all. It is just that during that time, his words did not make a deep impression on me. He has an uncle who was an abbot of a Buddhist Temple, therefore his affinity with the Dharma came early in life. I remembered a few of our classmates and I had the opportunity to volunteer at his uncle’s temple. It was worth every ounce of strength and every drop of perspiration,and I felt honoured and happy to have contributed.
The Heaven can speak too
Fast forward the years, I am now a Master equipped with the wisdom of the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics, and had, naturally, developed an acute sense of awareness to the things and people around me, including the happenings in the Heaven and Earth. Recalling the words of my classmate that the sky can speak to us, I am in deeper acknowledgement with that. My direct interpretation is that not only can the Heaven speaks to us, the Heaven can respond to us as well. If you are one who perform all virtuous acts, and is respectful and sincere, the Heaven will definitely answer your prayers.
Why are the “intelligence agents” of Heaven woeful?
In my previous “Abode of Light”, deep into the night before bedtime, I would stand by the window and look up at the sky, the stars and the clouds to know the change of events unfolding the next day, or the next few days, or even into the future. At times, the observations I get can be fine weather would be upon us, certain activity can be carried out, it is best to stay put, our loved ones are safe and sound, someone is thinking of us, or a mishap is going to happen in a certain country…
In the astrological phenomenon, I think that the clouds deserve a lot of credit. For example, through the myriad of formations, the clouds would reveal the answers to all our questions, big or small. They are like intelligence agents. At times when I see the clouds bubbling over with vitality, peace would seemingly reign over the land, over the next few days or the near future. However, if the clouds look woeful, that is a worrying phenomenon for the world. Looking at it the other way, the common people suffers the ill consequences for their own doings, and gets what they deserve. And when that happens, even the clouds above worry.
Do you understand?