先把小事做好Do The Small Things Well
服務行業的服務人員,要記得,萬萬不能夠給你的顧客去做妳你份內的工作。這顯示了妳你沒有耐心,也不夠專業。就是因為你的服務不能達到客人的要求,所以顧 客才被迫得親自動手處理。領了老闆的薪水,賺了顧客的佣金,還給顧客自己動手,這就是佔了顧客的便宜,也欺騙了老闆。這就是偷。
為何吾如此注重衣服的畢挺和整齊?簡單,因為人是先敬羅衣,后敬人。如果妳你認為妳你的工作不重要,妳你可以不用把自己的衣服燙好。這當然也顯示妳你做人 的一種態度。而如果你是一個師父,為人師表,妳你的衣著能夠攝招眾生來學習一種精進和做事情該有的井井有條,這不是很好嗎?
I arrived at Taipei last evening. As my phone is on “holiday mode” at home, please contact me again on Monday (26/4/2015).
Last night was also my first time ironing my own pants after buying them at a shop counter. This shop counter was located at the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Departmental store. I jokingly told the retail assistant that if anyone saw me ironing the pants, she could tell them that I was a new part-time assistant.
Service personnel from the service industry must always remember to fulfill your duties and never ever let a customer do what you are supposed to. This reflects your lack of patience and professionalism. You get paid a salary from your employer and earn sales commission from the customer. If you let a customer do your job, this is taking advantage of the customer and deceiving your boss. This is stealing.
Why do I place so much emphasis on the neatness and sharpness of my outfit? For a simple reason. Human beings tend to judge you on your appearance first. If you feel that your job is unimportant, you can choose to dress shabbily in wrinkled clothes. This only goes to show your attitude in life. If you are a master or teacher, the neatness and orderliness of your outfit and appearance will definitely impress and influence others to conduct their lives with the same attitude of diligence and orderliness. Isn’t that a great thing?
To accomplish a seemingly insignificant task such as ironing clothes, and to do it well, at least meant that you have the potential to achieve loftier ambitions. If you cannot even do the small and simple things, keep finding excuses and pushing the responsibility to others, how could you achieve greater things in life?

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