勿將生命來糟蹋Do Not Trample on Your Life
一失足成千古恨,回頭已是百年身。 這條路是一定回到妳你的家,既然怎麼樣妳你都會回到家,
The desire to drive at a high speed is a form of attachment. Transgressing the speed limit law willfully shows the degeneration of a person’s moral and character. If you knock down a person, you may end up paying for your recklessness with a lifetime behind bars. Even if you are spared from the jail, your heart will not be at ease.
There was this man whose daughter brought him to meet me, and I saw a man who was totally not at ease and had lost his appetite and sleep for the past few days. It turned out that he had knocked down a secondary school student while driving. As a result, the family of the student wanted to bring him to court. His daughter asked if I was able to help him out of this.
A wrong step can lead to a lifetime of regrets. Do not drive recklessly and speed for the sense of thrill or out of impatience. The route will lead you home eventually, so why speed unnecessarily?
True to my word, I have helped the man overcome this major problem. However here’s a reminder for my dear readers: even though I may be able to help you get through the consequences of your misdeed safely, that should not be the way to live your life as a human. We must abide by the law, and show compassion to all men and beings. As in the Analects: To bring benefits to others as well, and not just for ourselves. To help others succeed when we have succeeded.
Be what a proper man ought to be.