埋怨誤了事 Discontentment Spoils The Broth
最近見了很多客人, 有感現代人不足的心很強,需要很多東西才能夠開心。
人不好一直埋怨,一直埋怨只會下一分鐘一直不開心。 其實,要埋怨就不要做,要做就不要埋怨。 知足才會常樂, 感恩才不會在心中樹立敵人。
變通一下嘛! 何必一直抱著你那貓山王的夢來堵住苹果的幸福呢?
說到水果,西瓜真的是上天恩賜的一個水果。 在這種炎熱的天氣裏,感恩能喝到清涼解暑的西瓜汁! 也是人生的樂事一樁啊!
I met a number of clients recently and discovered a common trait in them: discontentment. They feel the need to possess a lot of material things before they can be happy.
Grumbling spoils the broth. Every minute spent grumbling meant you had lost a minute of happiness. If you are grumbling about the thing you are doing, quit doing it. If you intend to carry on, stop grumbling! As the Chinese saying goes: “Contentment breeds happiness”, there will be no enemy if we are always filled with gratitude.
Be warned: the higher you climb, the harder the fall. There’s always a sacrifice to make for your many desires.
In self-retrospect, you already possess a lot in this life. If you did not sow the seeds of good karma, how could you expect to reap its fruits? You surely won’t expect to get Mao Shan Wang durian from apple seeds! Getting apples isn’t too bad after all. You can produce apple juices, soups, salads, pies, bread and even apple cider with them! Don’t look down on the humble apple. It led to Newton’s discovery of the law of universal gravitation and even in its bitten form, it helms the logo of an iconic international brand!
Change your mindset! Why go around carrying that Mao Shan Wang dream of yours, only to pricked by its thorns and lose your apples of happiness?
And talking about fruits, the watermelon is truly heaven-sent. In such hot and humid weather these days, I am thankful for this cool and refreshing glass of watermelon juice, one of the many little joys in life!

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