蒼天是否變了心Did the Heavens have a change of heart?
兒時的一次玩耍中,忽然驚覺自己的心跳加速,當時的吾腦海裡在想,這心跳是什麼一個東西,可否將它定住,不讓它跳動。於是吾就將氣提住,可是兩邊都不討 好,且將自己弄得更不舒服。不過在那時候吾也發現到,原來心跳與呼吸,有著不可分的關係。與此同時,也頓感生命的脆弱。成長後,一步一步的用心鑽研,人類種種的符號及密碼,準備貢獻於一切眾生。
吾在成長的韶光中第一次聽到,上天有好生之德時,吾不是很明白,當然也談不上很懂得感恩上天。直到學佛,與實修佛法多年後,才懂得什麼叫做上天有好生之德。也才懂得如何感恩,上天好生之德之恩。總然這些年來,特別多的天災地難,吾不會手指著天,罵佛祖罵天公。因為,吾是一位學佛,且修行多年的修行人,早 已對因果報應之事,有著深切的研究啊!吾的快樂、吾的自在、吾的攝召等等,都是佛所教啊!
當年佛教教主,南無本師釋迦牟尼佛,開悟成道後,隨即就想進入涅槃。天上最大的兩位天神,趕忙下降勸請佛陀,住世為吾等眾生,宣示成佛離苦得樂之真理。這 兩至高的大天神,就是我們所熟悉的大梵天王及天公玉皇大天尊是也。蒼天從來都沒變心,變心的是人類,殺、盜、淫、妄、酒全部幹盡,天災地難是人類,自私自 利的行為所招來。吾百忙中辦茶會、法會及同修,就是為了延續妳們的慧命,希望妳你們不會是災難中的一份子啊!

Photo credit: 100r.org
During one particular playtime back in my childhood years, I suddenly found my heart beating very fast. I began to wonder what this phenomenon was and if I could stop the heart from beating. As such, I held my breathe in a bid to stop my heart but it turned awry and I felt worse than before. At that moment, I realized that my heartbeat and my breathing were inseparable. It was also then did I realize the fragility of life. As I grew up, I delved, step by step, into the various secret codes and symbols of humanity and ready to contribute to all sentient beings with this knowledge.
I first heard the phrase “Heaven is benevolent to all living beings” during those happy days of growing up. I did not fully comprehend it at that time and naturally did not feel much gratitude for the Heaven. Things changed when I began learning and practicing the Dharma for many years. I finally understood that phrase and found gratitude for it in my heart. Even as many natural disasters struck us in the past few years, I did not point my fingers at the sky and start scolding the Buddha or the Heavenly Jade Emperor. As a spiritual practitioner of many years, of course I know and comprehend the Law of Karma. Buddha has taught and given me my happiness, bliss, and affinity with sentient beings!
If you harbour this doubt as to why the Heavens seem to have a change of heart, it is natural. This is because you have not been taught nor have you seek the right wisdom to dispel this doubt. To transform your doubts into the right knowledge and opinions and from there, allowing your wisdom and merits to grow through cultivation, let me give you an explanation.
The day Lord Sakyamuni Buddha attained complete enlightenment, He had wanted to enter into Nirvana immediately. Two great Gods from Heaven immediately descended to plea for Him to abide in the Saha world and expound, to all sentient beings, the great Truth to put an end to their sufferings. These 2 supreme Gods are Lord Brahm (Four-faced Buddha) and the Heavenly Jade Emperor, very well-known to many of us. The Heaven never has a change of heart. It is mankind who has. Man has committed acts of killing, theft, sexual misconduct, deceit and addiction to intoxicants. These acts and the selfish behavior of mankind manifested into the natural disasters we are experiencing today.
I took time out of my busy schedule to hold events like the tea sessions and puja ceremonies, so as to grow your spiritual wisdom and in the hope that you will never be a victim in the next disaster that strikes!